Challenge Overview
Treasure Chest
This is the HARD Level CompetitionWhen the treasure hunter went upstairs to the hidden room, he found his grandfather's chest. He burst into joy when he found more bottles with paper inside. It’s time to add more potential treasures to the list.
In this challenge, you need to continue updating the app. You'll expand the Treasure Hunter map to display a list of treasure and allow users to select a treasure and display the treasure details: location and items.
Solving this problem you learn:
- To select a Treasure and see the details.
- To use *ngFor to display a list.
- To use *ngIf to conditionally include or exclude a block of HTML.
- To toggle a CSS style class with a class binding.
What do you need to do?
IMPORTANT: Follow the exact naming from challenge descriptions, automated testers will check the exact same values.
There will be 3 sections for this web app with these unique ids:
1. Header area
- Create a new DIV tag and set
- ID as “treasure-header”.
- CLASS as “navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark”
- You don’t need to include the nav toggler like in bootstrap
- Add H1 inside the DIV and set
- CLASS as “navbar-brand”
- Update the the H1 title text to “Topcoder Angular Level 3”
2. List area
- Create a new DIV tag, and set
- ID as “list”
- CLASS as “container-fluid”
- Add H2 inside the DIV and set
- Title with the text “My Treasure”
- Create a new file to mock the treasures: src/app/mock-treasures.ts contains this exact data:
- Display data as list using Bootstrap List :
- For the list, you just need to display the name only.
- Add onClick event binding to the list. So details can be displayed on the section below.
- Add a new HR tag and set,
- CLASS “divider” and
- Place it below the DIV “treasure-list”.
3. Details area
- FYI: You can move the previous Details section like in Level Medium to this updated Details section
- Details area need to be hidden by default. Click the list to show the details.
- Create a new DIV tag, and set
- ID as “treasure-details”
- CLASS as “container-fluid”
- Add H3 inside the DIV and set
- Title with text {{treasure-name}} + ”Details”
- Display details as list using Bootstrap List:
- Display 3 rows for the list
- Add LABEL tag
- For “Id”, “Name” & “Location”.
- Place them all in separate rows
- Next to Id LABEL tab
- Create a SPAN tag for Id values.
- ID as “treasure-id”
- Next to Name LABEL tab
- Create a Text input tag for Name values.
- ID as “treasure-name”
- Add attribute type="text"
- Next to Location Label tab
- Create a SPAN tag for Id values.
- ID as “treasure-location”
- Two-way data binding needs connecting with H2 & H3 when the user starts typing on the “treasure-name”
Sample Submission: Output:
Final Submission Guidelines
Judging Criteria
- Your submission will be reviewed immediately by Automated Tester and you will receive a score on the leaderboard based on the number of requirements you fulfil or test cases you pass. If you fulfil 6/7 requirements you will get 6/7*100 = 85.71.
- In case you don't see a score, make sure you understand the submission guidelines. Also, look for Artifacts and Logs in Submission-Review to know more about your submission. You can also discuss in the challenge forum for any issues.
- About your submission review:
- Collaborating/Cheating in any way with anyone else (member or not) during a rated event is considered cheating.
- An excessive amount of unused content should be avoided.
- Code Readability is expected with necessary comments, indentation and somewhat refactored code (as much as possible)
Submission Guidelines:
Please Note - You don’t need to submit anything on this competition, but submit on a particular level/problemHere are some sample submissions to help you get started:
- Partially scoring Sample Submission for Level Easy
You must follow this submission folder structure so our automated test process can process your scoring:
- Create a folder with “code” as the folder name then zip.
- Inside the “code” folder, there needs to be a file named Dockerfile. This is the docker file used to build the user’s submission. Refer to the provided Docker file in Sample Submission for each level.
- Zip that “code” folder and submit to the challenge.
Execution Details and Submission Logs
Each time you submit, the platform will leverage Docker to run your code. The execution logs will be saved as “Artifacts” that can be downloaded from the Submission Review App:
Checking Passing and Failing Test Cases
Using the Submission Review App (, navigate to the specific challenge, then to your submission, and then to the Artifacts for your submission. The zip file you download will contain information about your submission including a result.json file with the test results.
Docker Structure
Make sure you can run your submission with Docker from a clean slate.
Your Docker needs to expose port: 8080
It needs to build on a completely clean machine when the platform runs your submission. If you are using something locally to build and run your submission, make sure it’s included as part of your Docker configuration as well.
Example Dockerfile for Node app for Angular submission:
FROM node:alpine AS build
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build
FROM nginx:alpine
RUN rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*
COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/dist/topcoder-learning-angular/ /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
ENTRYPOINT ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
Especially for Angular submission we need include nginx.conf to expose the port 8080:
server {
listen 8080;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;
Topcoder Skill Builder | Angular Levels
- Topcoder Skill Builder Competition | Angular | TreasureHunter:
- Easy | Challenge Link:
- Medium | Challenge Link:
- Hard | Challenge Link: