This data contains historical matching between prospective customers and
agents. Each row represents an assignment of an agent to a buyer. It is
described here with the outcome rows include. When being used for testing
your solution, the final two columns are omitted.
When a customer comes in search of a real estate agent, they provide some
limited information. First off, they provide geographic information for where
they are from, and where they are interested in buying. In some cases, they
also provide a minimum and maximum prices. A few other bits of information
are also automatically logged. Thus customer is then paired with an agent,
and it is your task to evaluate a number of pairings with unknown outcomes.
Remember that the goal of your algorithm is to rank the matchings with good
outcomes higher than those with bad outcomes.
Download Matchings.csv
- MatchedLeadID -- A unique ID for the matchiing
- REAgentID -- the real estate agent matched
- LeadType -- always 'Buy' in this case
- LeadCompletedDate -- the date the lead was assigned to an agent
- InterestedZip -- the zip code a customer is interested in buying in
- InterestedCity -- the city a customer is interested in buying in
- InterestedState -- the state a customer is interested in buying in
- ConsumerZip -- the customer's current zip code
- ConsumerCity -- the customer's current city
- ConsumerState -- the customer's current state
- MinimumPrice -- if specified by the customer
- MaximumPrice -- if specified by the customer
- MarketingChannel -- this specifies broadly how the customer found out
about this site (which finds agents for individuals)
- PartnerID -- a unique ID for the marketing partner that the customer
came to the site because of
- MarketingPartner -- the name of the company or website for the
- IsReplyXMLPost -- a method used by some marketing partners
- IncentiveFlag -- this flag indicates whether or not a lead has a
rebate associated with it
- QFormType -- this specifies the type of a particular form that the
customer fills out
- LeadStatus -- this gives the status of the lead. The good outcomes
are a set of the statuses
- Success -- a 1 is a good outcome, a 0 is a bad outcome