- 1/19 01:31 - Fixed a bug pointed out by venco. If you weren't having any problems, I don't think it effected you.
- 1/17 12:38 - Updated to print out summary at end of game.
The visualization program consists of two class files: PacMan$Vis.class and PacMan.class. You will need these two files, along
with an installation of Java 1.5. To use the visualization, you should create
an application that reads the inputs x and y from standard input.
Specifically, your application should first read the 6 values of x, and
then the 6 values of y. Each of the two parameters will be on its own
line, with spaces between elements. For example:
35 26 457 48 45 -1
46 457 5489 43 37 -1
Your application should then output your move to standard out (with x first), like:
100 90
After this, the visualization will update, and you should read the next x
and y. For instance, your code might look something like this:
for(int c = 0; c<10000; c++){
for(int i = 0; i<6; i++)x[i] = nextInt();
for(int i = 0; i<6; i++)y[i] = nextInt();
print(x[0]+" "+y[0]);
Once you have written an application as described above, you may run the
visulization by executing
java PacMan "mycommand with args"
In other words, pass the execution string to the Java program as a command line
argument. In addition, to this simple usage, there are two command line options
you may use:
-t sleep_time This specifies, in milliseconds, how long to pause after each move
-s seed This specifies a random seed so that you can run
So, for example, if you write a Java application called Pac, you might run the
visualization by doing:
java PacMan -s 3 -t 100 "java Pac"
You are the red circle. The ghosts are, in order, blue, cyan, orange, and black. The fruit, when it appears, is green. Your score is shown in the upper left corner.