To help you test your solution, an offline tester is provided which will allow
you to test the examples. As usual, to use it you should modify your program
to read from standard in and write to standard out. Your program should read
the parameters one at a time, each on its own line. You should then write
your output array, one element at a time, to standard out, with whitespace
delimiting elements (be sure to flush your output at the end).
A sample solution that works this way is provided.
You will notice that this is no different from the solution one would submit
on the website, except that a main function has been added.
To run the examples offline, you must download and extract the contents of When running your code, you
must specify the seed for the random number generator, the base filename
of the image files, and the executable command (using -seed, -base, and
-exec). To run things, you must have the files <base>.raw and
<base>.result You may then specify one of a number of optional
When rendering your result, it is scaled by taking
floor((intensity - min) / (max - min) * 255.999)
If the correct result was loaded, the min and max values from it are used
(over all channels). Otherwise, the min and max values of your image are
used. The .raw.png and .result.png files provided are also
scaled in this way (using their own mins and maxes). When rending the difference, it is scaled as:
floor(abs(diff)/max*255.999). All the images are rendered using
only 8 bits per channel.