The visualization tool allows you to draw the contents of a dump file created by the offline tester.
In order to run the tool, you should use the following command:
java -jar Drawer.jar
Additionally you can use the following parameters (all are optional):
- -dump <file_name>. Read the dump data from file_name. The default file_name used is "res.dmp".
- -res <file_name>. Saves the result of visualization into file_name. The default file_name used is "pic.gif".
Disregarding of file_name's extension, the resulted picture will be in GIF format.
- -mv <moves_count>. The tool will visualize only the first moves_count moves (placed tiles) of the game. The default
behaviour is to visualize the whole game.
- -sz <SIZE>. Sets the distance between neighboring contacts of the same tile to SIZE pixels. The default value is 10.