These archives contain content from Topcoder's service that are no longer operational, but remain important to our identity.
We have an update to share regarding our SRMs (Single Round Matches). Our Arenas have not been a positive experience for our members in the last couple of years. There are many issues at play, including several security issues, the high cost of maintenance, and lack of support staff. In its current state, we do not feel we can provide an acceptable experience for our members and have decided to shut down the Arena applet and Web Arena on July 15, 2024.
This does not mean an end to SRMs, but simply a pause while we assess what would be needed to build a better experience for our members in a web-based arena. Competitive programming is a core pillar of Topcoder, and will remain so. We will share more about our new plans in the future. Historical problem statements and results can be found in the archive below.
SRM ArchivesTopcoder Open (TCO) was our annual online and onsite tournament to celebrate and reward the community. It ran from 2001-2022.
Topcoder Open Archives