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* the number of wins the competitor had as a result of that match
Algorithm Match Winners
Match Division I winner Wins* Division II winner Wins*
SRM 855 Rubikun 3 sdnd2dnza9 1
SRM 854 nwin 1 PersistentLife 1
SRM 853 jeroenodb 1 asiad 1
SRM 852 SSRS_ 3 amsraman 1
SRM 851 snuke 3 coderdhanraj 1
SRM 850 Rubikun 2 Smart.Coder 2
SRM 849 kmjp 2 shocker_a 1
SRM 848 Rubikun 1 dongliu0426 1
SRM 847 hitonanode 4 anhhungcolao 1
SRM 846 Petr 142 int65536 1
SRM 845 ecnerwal 7 Sort 1
SRM 844 Petr 141 pickleweasel2 1
SRM 843 hitonanode 3 Smart.Coder 1
SRM 842 hitonanode 2 martin0327 1
SRM 841 kmjp 1 xuanxuan001 1
SRM 840 sky_love_high 1 clocy 1
SRM 839 hitonanode 1 jasonzs 1
SRM 838 tourist 69 qiqi20021026 1
SRM 837 N/A N/A
SRM 836 tourist 68 okkuu 1
SRM 835 ksun48 8 wabadaba 1
SRM 834 tourist 67 nima.anari 1
SRM 833 tourist 66 smdrozdov 1
SRM 832 ecnerwal 6 wuruzhao 1
SRM 831 Um_nik 3 dush1729 1
SRM 830 lyrically 10 tazer1326 1
SRM 829 lyrically 9 zizo0003 1
SRM 828 satashun 1 secd_retired 1
SRM 827 SSRS_ 2 nvnamson 1
SRM 826 ksun48 7 turtle0123 1
SRM 825 ksun48 6 awesssome 1
SRM 824 Um_nik 2 _qingyu 1
SRM 823 SSRS_ 1 sserxhs 1
SRM 822 bqi343 6 andrewsk 1
SRM 821 tourist 65 kostia244 1
SRM 820 tourist 64 conformer 1
SRM 819 tourist 63 abcde34534 1
SRM 818 N/A N/A
SRM 817 tourist 62 KTR 1
SRM 816 tourist 61 nicholask_17 1
SRM 815 Petr 140 class-based 1
SRM 814 ecnerwal 5 tzc_wk 1
SRM 813 tourist 60 nor_ 1
SRM 812 ecnerwal 4 intperson10 1
SRM 811 tourist 59 andrii04 1
SRM 810 Petr 139 nicalvarez 1
SRM 809 tourist 58 ivgechu 1
SRM 808 bqi343 5 yaroslaffb 1
SRM 807 uwi 2 N/A
SRM 806 ecnerwal 3 moransky 1
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