Release Notes

The Topcoder Platform is updated frequently with new functionality and bug fixes to improve the experience for you, our user. We will be documenting all changes made to the platform’s products here with our release notes.

August 29, 2024


  • On-Platform Notifications: We’ve introduced real-time, action-based notifications on the Topcoder platform to keep you informed and help resolve open actions. The first of these notifications will alert creators when questions on a work item require answers.
  • Copilot Price Adjustments: Copilots can now manually update work costs to better align with budget or project scope, offering more control and flexibility.
  • Navigation: Access more detailed information about Topcoder Innovation Challenges directly from the navigation menu.


  • AI Chat Links: Links presented while chatting with Algo as talent will now open in a new tab for easier access.
  • Copilot Recommendations: When Tsunny AI suggests consulting a copilot, the recommendation will now include a direct link to the copilot request process.
  • Copilot Price Calculation: Tsunny AI will now communicate pricing updates when a copilot takes over work created by another user in the work creation wizard.
  • File Upload Revisions: Users with edit capabilities can now remove uploaded files to ensure that only the correct attachments are included on work.
  • Payment Processing Status: A progress indicator will now be displayed while payment is processing to keep you informed.


  • Date Recommendations: Date recommendations will now only be displayed once after you’ve accepted the proposed dates.
  • Draft Work: Resolved an issue that prevented some draft work from opening from the user dashboard.
  • Pricing Adjustment: Fixed an issue where AI needed to re-calculate the price after the work category was updated.
  • Re-launching Cancelled Work: Resolved an issue that prevented users from re-launching work that had been cancelled.
  • Tsunny Chat Formatting: Fixed an issue where HTML or JSON was being displayed in the AI chat instead of markdown format.

August 12, 2024


  • Copilot Requests: We’ve streamlined the copilot request process to optimize copilot approval and assignment, making it faster and easier to get the help you need.
  • Copilot View of Talent Prizes: Copilots can now view the talent prize pool by hovering over the cost on the payment step in the work creation wizard.


  • Tsunny Evaluations: Tsunny will re-evaluate work when the title or description is edited to ensure the category, skills, and work estimation are accurate.
  • Dashboard Content: Added contextual content to the dashboard columns when no work card is present.
  • Responsive Design: Enhanced the responsiveness of the dashboard’s first-time cards for various screen sizes.


  • Work Title Limit: Work titles will now be limited to 300 characters or less during creation.
  • Dashboard Card Titles: Dashboard cards will wrap text for long work titles.
  • Work Creation Wizard: Cost messaging will be shown in the proper order in the Tsunny chat conversation.
  • Draft Work Sorting: Draft work is sorted correctly on the dashboard.
  • Tsunny Chat Content: Tsunny conversation would occasionally displayed JSON content.
  • Work Detail Updates: Tsunny was allowing work creators to update work details after the edit period had passed due to talent registrations.
  • Wizard Button Color: The Next button in the work creation wizard now displays the correct color.
  • Date Recommendations: The recommended date will only be shown on the create work wizard payment page if the scope of the work changes and a new estimate is provided, changing the suggested dates.

July 29, 2024


  • Tsunny on the Dashboard: Tsunny is now available on the dashboard! Quickly and easily access information and get answers to your questions directly from the dashboard, enhancing your overall experience on the site.
  • Updated Notifications:
    • Work Launched: A success notification will now appear on the work details page when work is launched successfully.
    • Solution Review: Work creators will receive a notification upon completing the review of the last submission on a work item.
    • Talent Registration: Talent will see a “successfully registered” notification when they register for work.
  • Deactivate Users: Organization admins can now deactivate accounts of users who should no longer have access to the organization.
  • Community App: Talent users can now choose “Log in as Customer” from the context menu, logging out of their talent account and navigating to the customer account login page.
  • Mobile Notification: Mobile users will now see a notification recommending desktop access for optimal experience.
  • Access Controls: Country-based access controls have been added to validate user locations, ensuring compliance with regulations.


  • Copilot Improvements:
    • Request Process: Updated the customer copilot request process to allow users to provide additional information about their copilot needs.
    • Role Notifications: Copilots will receive an email notification when their role is removed from an organization.
    • Banner Animation: The copilot banner on the dashboard now has animated dismissal.
  • Work Creation Enhancements:
    • Task Sizing: Tsunny will help identify if a task is too large to run as an individual work item and assist in breaking it into smaller tasks.
    • Date Recommendations: Tsunny will evaluate work and recommend submission and review period durations based on the size of the work.
    • Cost Estimation: Streamlined the cost estimation process in the work creation wizard to show a precise cost estimate at the payment step.
    • Chat Improvements: The send message button will be disabled while Tsunny is evaluating work. The chat window now expands to the bottom of the page, with navigation buttons moved to the left of the chat.
  • Forgot Password: Added hyperlinks to the login and signup text for easier navigation.
  • Questions & Answers: Questions can no longer be posted to work items once work is completed.
  • Project Updates: When moving a task to a different project, an animation and notification will confirm the change.


  • Account Activation: Resolved an issue where part of the user name field could not be clicked to type a name.
  • Cancel Work: Fixed an issue allowing users with the creator role to cancel work they did not create.
  • Dashboard: Updated to show only one dashboard help card at a time.
  • Disabled Users: Users with a disabled role in an organization will now see the correct error message after logout.
  • Work Creation: Users who create work can no longer register for the same work item they created.

July 17, 2024


  • Billing Notification: Fixed an issue where email address was not provided to Stripe during a payment intent, resulting in user not receiving the Stripe billing receipt email.

July 15, 2024


  • Topcoder Projects:
    • Work creators can now create projects for seamless organization and management of tasks, making it easier to keep track of your work.
    • A default project will be created for you, and you can create new projects at any time to suit your specific needs.
    • Easily assign tasks to your projects, ensuring that everything is organized and manageable at a glance.
  • Manage Billing History and Payments: Organization admins now have access to the Stripe billing portal in the organization settings. This allows managing saved payments, billing history, and invoices.
  • Saving Payments: Organization admins can save credit card payments in the platform using our partner, Stripe. Saved payments are available to all users in the organization, simplifying the payment process.
  • Download Winning Solutions: Work creators can now download all winning solutions with a single click, making it quick and easy to access them.


  • Work Creation Enhancements:
    • When manually creating a work spec, Tsunny AI will evaluate it to ensure it meets quality expectations. If more information is needed, Tsunny will recommend enhancements.
    • When a work creator manually creates a work spec, Tsunny AI will evaluate it and extract the work category, required skills, and estimate pricing.
    • Tsunny will always evaluate and estimate work to provide accurate work estimations.
    • The task size selector in the work creation wizard has been removed, replaced with automated task sizing for accurate estimation and an easier process to launch work.
  • GPT Model: The Topcoder platform now supports the OpenAI GPT-4o model.
  • Dashboard Enhancement: The “+ Create” button on the dashboard now appears green for better visibility.
  • Copilot Notifications: Copilot users will receive notifications after accepting an invitation to join an organization or being assigned as a copilot.
  • Admin Notifications: Organization admins will receive notifications after a copilot has accepted an invitation or been assigned to their organization.
  • Invoice Communication: An email will be sent to customers when an invoice is paid but work cannot launch due to invalid data.
  • Launch Confirmation: Work creators will receive a success confirmation when work is successfully launched or scheduled for launch.
  • File Attachment Security: File attachments on work are now accessible only to registered users.
  • Verified Skills: Talent profiles now reflect verified skills for any past work completed with a rating of 3 stars or above.
  • Answer Attribution: In the work details creator view, the name of the user who answered questions will be displayed.
  • Work Management: Organization admins and copilots can now cancel work created by another user if no users have registered.
  • Paid Invoices: Work launched with a credit card will be processed as paid invoices, viewable in the Stripe billing portal.


  • Tsunny AI Greetings: Tsunny AI will greet work creators with a message on the work details page if it is their first interaction with Tsunny.
  • Duplicate Feedback Prompt: Fixed an issue where Tsunny AI displayed the same feedback prompt twice when work failed.
  • Invitation Email Typos: Corrected typos in the invitation email sent to Topcoder copilots.
  • Deactivated Users: Deactivated users will no longer receive emails from the organization they were deactivated from.
  • Copilot Banner: Resolved an issue where the copilot banner was displayed above cards on the dashboard instead of below.

July 2, 2024


  • Promotion: Enjoy a 20% discount on all work launched in July 2024!


  • Talent UI: The Topcoder talent work interface has received a cosmetic enhancement to streamline the participation process.
  • Verified Skills: Skills will now be marked as verified on a member’s profile upon receiving a rating of 3 stars or better on any challenge. We’ve also updated verified skills for any work completed on the Topcoder platform meeting this criterion.
  • Discounts: While active, the budget slider now displays the discounted price for new work created on the Topcoder platform.
  • Tsunny AI: Tsunny AI now showcases messages within the chat assistant for various completed work use cases.
  • Support: We’ve standardized our support process, ensuring a consistent location and user experience for submitting support requests.


  • Error downloading files: Resolved a 500 error that occurred when attempting to download file attachments.
  • Forgot PW: Fixed an issue preventing users from submitting forgot password requests.
  • Submitting Solution: Addressed a problem that prevented work solutions from being submitted if they included a localhost http address.
  • Stylesheet error: Fixed the “.. is not a supported stylesheet MIME type” error when accessing the work details page.

June 20, 2024


  • Algo AI Assistant: Introducing Algo, our new AI assistant crafted for Topcoder talent. From registration to solution submission, even collecting your winnings, Algo is here to streamline your Topcoder journey. Experience a more efficient and seamless process with Algo!
  • Copilots: Topcoder customers can request a Copilot directly through the platform. When assigned a Copilot will work with you to define, launch and manage your work. Fees for Copilots are displayed on screen for review an approval before work is launched.


  • Tsunny AI Enhancements: Tsunny AI now supports Topcoder customers throughout the entire project lifecycle. Whether you need help managing your project, support during Q&A, assistance with work review, or selecting winners, Tsunny is here to assist every step of the way!
  • Improved Email Verification Page: We’ve enhanced the email verification page for a better user experience. It now displays the email address used for registration, allows users to resend the activation email, and provides the option to log out if the wrong email address was used.


  • File Attachment Naming: File attachments shared between customers and talent will now retain their original file names when downloaded.
  • Login and Signup Form: Resolved an issue where users were unable to log in or sign up by pressing the enter key on the login/signup form.

June 3, 2024


  • Promotion: All work launched in June 2024 will be discounted by 20%.
  • Copilots:
    • Topcoder’s talented Copilots are available to help customers ensure their projects and tasks run smoothly and successfully. You can request a Copilot from within the platform.
    • provides information about CoPilots and what they do on our new page.


  • Payments: When you reach the payment step in the Work Wizard customers can request to be invoiced rather than using a credit card.
  • Generative AI:
    • Lab45’s AI platform now provides access to GPT4.0 in addition to the GPT3.5 model.
    • Topcoder customers now have access to Lab45’s AI platform. Platform now allows enables users to ask questions on any topic.
    • New pages added to provide detailed information on the types of work we do for our customers.
    • Get to know our Talent by reading about them at
    • Removed legacy header and footer links.

May 15, 2024


  • Payments: Wipro users will be setup for invoicing payment type automatically when creating a new organization.
  • User Experience: Integrated Userflow to enhance the onboarding experience with guided tours, interactive tutorials, and contextual tips.

May 14, 2024


  • Challenge details: All work categories launched will show in the talent work feed with the correct work category.
  • Dashboard: Tsunny will provide guidance to the user the first time a task reaches each status in their dashboard.
  • Feedback:
    • Creators can now rate and comment on their overall experience after they announce the results of their work.
    • Customers can now give a thumbs up or down to each Tsunny AI response when interacting with Tsunny.
    • Talent who registered for work will will have the opportunity to provide a rating and comments on their work experience.
  • Generative AI: Our Tsunny AI assistant now provides a streamed response to your questions, providing a more dynamic and continuous flow within the conversation.
  • Navigation: For users who have both Topcoder customer and talent accounts, the process to move between accounts has been streamlined and simplified.
  • Notifications: Emails are sent automatically to talent who registered for work, when the work results are announced.
  • Work reviews: Simplified and streamlined the review workflow. Reviews open in a modal for easy navigation and clear indicators show which reviews are outstanding for the reviewer.
  • Work wizard: Tsunny AI will identify when you manually make updates to your work description, and propose revisions to the work title, work category, required skills and work estimation.
  • Work wizard: Validation added to the date selector to ensure dates are in the future and do not overlapping.

May 2, 2024


  • Generative AI: Free access to Wipro’s ai360 platform is now available to Topcoder members. Users will have access to a conversational assistant supported by GPT3.5, with additional models coming in the future!
  • Notifications:
    • Emails are sent automatically to creators of a task when a question is asked by a participant.
    • Emails are sent automatically to creators of a task if a question asked by a participant remains unanswered for 24 hours.
    • Emails are sent automatically to creators of a task their reviews of submitted solutions are past due.
    • Emails are sent automatically to creators of a task 24 hours before it is time to start reviewing submitted solutions, to remind them of their upcoming task.
    • Emails are sent automatically to creators of a task when it is time to start reviewing submitted solutions.
    • Emails are sent automatically to talent registered for a task if a question is asked by another participant, so that all participants are aware of questions and responses related to a task.
    • Emails are sent automatically to talent registered for a task when the task creator answers a question.
    • Emails are sent automatically to talent who have registered for a task but have not yet submitted a solution, to remind them to submit their solution before the submission period ends in 24 hours.


  • Our site has been enhanced to update the home and product pages with enhanced details about the new platform. New pages containing pricing details and access to product demos were also added.
  • Payments: Task creators will now receive a payment confirmation email from Stripe when their credit card payment is processed.


  • Login:
    • Forgot password email template has been updated to match the new standard email template design.
    • Updated the font size for field labels and field placeholder text on the Login screen
  • Work wizard:
    • Issue preventing users from launching a challenge which resulted in a frozen screen and inputted information not being saved, was identified as missing awaits and resolved.
    • Added consistent styling for Tsunny AI’s “See my proposed title and description on the left.” message throughout the wizard steps.
  • T&Cs: URL for Terms and Conditions link on the log in page has been updated to point to the correct page
  • Winners page: Erroneous message shown to non-creators on the task winners page, indicating they now owned the winning solutions, has been removed.