Electrolux: Topcoder Guarantees a Bug-Free Kitchen with Electrolux QA Testing

Challenge overview

Electrolux Spain asked Topcoder to conduct a bug hunt on their Spanish home appliance site. Retailers know that a seamless shopping experience is not only ideal but expected by consumers in today’s market.

40 testers

participated in the challenge

183 defects


48 hours

bug hunt


  • In just 48 hours, over 300 bugs were reported by Topcoder’s global talent network. Almost 200 issues were accepted, and testing included multiple popular platforms and browsers.
  • Many of the bugs found for Electrolux were UI-based, which is a critical component for home appliance sites. Consumers want a consistent look and feel across their shopping experience, and Topcoder’s testing identified several areas that needed improvement.
  • Sites are now competing for users’ time, so it’s important to perfect the experience by piquing their interest and excitement quickly.

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