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4 Ways Crowdsourcing is Following Footprints of On-Demand Cloud


Cloud computing has had a significant impact on the technology and business landscape. Even though decades ago, hosting business applications on the emerging web did not seem attainable, today software-as-a-service (SaaS)—among other on-demand cloud computing technologies—has taken the world by storm. Cloud computing is an umbrella term that covers a wide variety of technologies and business models. There are undeniable on-demand cloud footprints that point to crowdsourcing as this decade's cloud computing. Its growing popularity allows individuals to tap into the global experience of leveraging diverse teams and communities to accomplish complex tasks. The diversity of thought and perspective go a long way in solving innovation challenges. Individuals in or entirely outside of a periphery can join minds to find a lasting solution for a critical problem. Below are the reasons why we believe crowdsourcing is this decade's cloud computing.

1. It is Disruptive

Just like cloud computing, crowdsourcing is creating a new guard which threatens the old one. At first glance, opening the challenges of a project to problem solvers might seem like exposing an organization to the risk of intellectual property leakage. However, this can easily be overcome by diligent education, change management, and proper communication.
Since inviting diverse problem solvers is the premise on which crowdsourcing operates, companies should ensure they are inviting trusted partners who'll safeguard the integrity of their intellectual property. Even though crowdsourcing will be disruptive, it should not dissuade individuals and organizations from taking advantage of the possibilities.

2. Crowdsourcing Offers On-Demand Talent Capacity

Since good talent tends to be scarce and expensive, having on-demand talent capacity is a life saver. Each time an organization increases capacity, they have to incur significant costs. Such fixed capacities are however not fully utilized when there are fluctuations in demand. With crowdsourcing, however, organizations get access to additional virtual talent capacity. This is a near infinite capacity that ensures the organization can stop relying on captive resources. Organizations and individuals can crowdsource as many innovation challenges as they need. This allowance for a fully variable capacity is a parallel equivalent to cloud computing.

3. Crowdsourcing Enables Pay-for-Performance

Unlike the traditional problem-solving methods that involve passive upfront capital expenditure as well as ongoing upgrades and maintenance, crowdsourcing allows you to only pay for the solutions you get. Moreover, whereas traditional solutions have you paying for efforts which predictably fail sometimes, with crowdsourcing, you get to pay for solutions rather than efforts. With crowdsourcing, the market bears the cost of failure. This is a solution that allows you to tap into a diversity you do not possess and solve critical problems at a significantly less cost. Whereas additional hires come with risks, crowdsourcing is an invaluable tool that allows you to find a highly complementary team with the capability to solve complex tasks and projects.

4. Crowdsourcing Allows You to Have Access to Skills and Services You do not Possess

With cloud-based business apps, IT doesn't need to be engaged for development thanks to the source crowdsourcing offers. Crowdsourcing services allow line-of-business heads to do their job more fluently. Organizations get access to unique talent, methodologies, expertise, and experience they do not possess. This allows organizations to achieve goals and key objectives rapidly.
In conclusion

Crowdsourcing is this decade's cloud computing as illustrated by the on-demand footprints. Having access to a team of experts whenever you need them enables organizations to solve complex innovation challenges. Aside from being cost-effective, crowdsourcing also saves time and allow line-of-business heads to do their jobs efficiently. It is an invaluable tool that every organization needs in their toolbox.