October 5, 2017 Harvard-NASA Tournament Lab SRM Run

We have put together a series of challenges for an SRM Run!
Over the next couple of months, we will regularly post new SRMs on Topcoder, all sponsored by the Harvard-NASA Tournament Lab.
The Harvard-NASA Tournament Lab and Topcoder have been working together closely since the platform’s inception. In a recent Vision Meeting, we discussed the future of the platform and decided on a new goal: to further strengthen the Topcoder Community by emphasizing the importance of competitive programming and SRMs.
SRMs help Topcoder Community members hone their skills and become even better problem-solvers. Plus, they’re fun and make the entire Topcoder Community stronger! The more participants, the merrier the challenge.
Check your emails for more details and possible surprises, but most importantly, have fun competing!

Harshit Mehta

Sr. Community Evangelist

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