
Improve Lung Cancer Treatment with Algorithms

If you already pre-registered for the new Harvard Tumor Hunt, you know that this challenge focuses on creating and testing automatic delineation algorithms that can improve treatment of cancerous lung tumors. Competitors will be tasked with producing an automatic tumor delineation algorithm that parallels the lung tumor delineation accuracy of an average expert, while exceeding the expert in processing speed and delineation consistency.
Needless to say, tumor delineation is a complex topic, and to help competitors better understand it we asked Dr. Mak for a primer. Check out the video below to learn more about how contouring is used to treat lung cancer with radiation.
Have follow-up questions for Dr. Mak, the Harvard Crowd Innovation Lab, or the team here at Topcoder? Please post them in the challenge forum.
Not yet registered to compete in this challenge? It's not too late! The challenge kicks off on February 7th, and you can pre-register for this important challenge now.
This is an amazing opportunity to help scientists and doctors improve treatment for those with lung cancer, and there is a total prize purse of $50,000 split into a two-part challenge series. We hope to see you in the competition!