June 2021: Thoughts from Adroc on Community
When talking with potential Topcoder customers (or if I’m explaining to anyone about Topcoder) they tend to ask questions like, “How does that even work?”, “Competitions to deliver code?”, “Can I work directly with a developer?” and “Why would someone join Topcoder?” My first answer is always about opportunity. The opportunity for anyone worldwide to join a community of like minded “doers” who can showcase their talents via competition, learn from each other, have a chance to try new things, grow, and of course earn prizes, accolades, and find jobs through freelancer gigs.
Jessie and I like to focus on what is the current opportunity we can provide for every Topcoder Community member. What is the latest program, learning article, helpful webinar, sponsor (Adobe Document Cloud, Edgenet, etc.), certification, Single Round Match (SRM), Topcoder Skill Builder, or, Design/Code/Algo/QA Challenges, and of course the latest thing at Topcoder: Freelancer Gigs.
The next answer is culture. Culture is something we live with everyday but how do you create it, grow it and nurture it? In virtual communities like Topcoder we experience it by how each one of us is willing to interact and contribute when not required to do so. How we create friendships while also competing against each other. The ability to provide a helping hand in solving tough technical and life problems. The excitement of attending and seeing each other at annual events like the Topcoder Open (TCO), Topcoder Regional events and more recently our virtual tournaments, workshops and every Monday “This week at Topcoder”.
So yes, Topcoder does work, competitions do deliver high quality results and Topcoder freelancer gigs allow customers to work directly with you. Members join Topcoder to be part of a vibrant, passionate culture that promotes the freelancer lifestyles, the future of work and of course getting paid while learning and having fun.
There are many opportunities at Topcoder, so if you are not able to find something or if you have questions I recommend you reach out and ask in the Topcoder Forums or feel free to reach out to me directly! The Topcoder Community team is here to help each one of you.
We have some exciting new things coming up this summer with updates to Competitive Programming, EdgeNet challenges, Topcoder Regionals and plans for the 2021 Topcoder Open (TCO21). More soon!
I ask that you continue to be bold, keep being a doer, and have passion for pushing yourself forward.
- adroc