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Marathon Match

March Madness Marathon Match Series

The Madness has begun! Go and Compete now:

March in the United States is well known across the country as the month of March Madness and the NCAA Basketball tournament. At Topcoder, some of us definitely love cheering on our top college teams in the ultimate showdown to be the champions of college basketball!

However this year at Topcoder, March Madness takes on a whole new identity as we are excited to bring you the March Madness Marathon Match Series! In short, this series will have four sponsored marathon match competitions aka Data Science Competitions happening at the same time that are all computer vision themed!. Madness, right?! Keep reading because you’re going to want to see how mad it gets!

Extra Incentives

Rather than just give you prize money for these matches, we decided to include a whole slew of bonus prizes. Check it out!

Marathon Match Competition Details

The four marathon matches in this series are all computer vision themed! Each match will attempt to advance the state of the art by taking an existing area in computer vision and breaking down a specific barrier that has, historically, held the technology back in that space.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to participate in the development of one or several computer vision machine learning algorithms.

Each marathon match as part of this series will launch in mid March and last for 2 weeks. Four marathon matches at the same time -- see, madness! We hope you’re excited!

Supplementary Resources

Is this your first time participating in a Topcoder Marathon Match? Check these out resources to help you out.

An Introduction

Approaching a Task

Find more resources and information on our marathon matches here.

Best of luck in these marathon matches and we hope you come out on top!