Topcoder Nation

One Year of Serving Up Inspiration: Happy Anniversary, Topcoder Nation

A little over a year ago, I was traveling from the lovely mountains of Shimla to the pink city, Jaipur, in India. My destination was the TCO19 India Regional. I was lucky to travel with my esteemed partners, ravijune and PereViki, as part of a seemingly ordinary adventure that ended up giving birth to a dearly special community.

With the help and blessing of the Topcoder staff, we created a Facebook group to share our stories about how we profit from being part of the remote workforce with Topcoder as our main source of income. In a few words, we want to help other Topcoder members learn by example.

During this year of adventure, we have gathered wise advice, fascinating stories and inspiring career transformations from Topcoder members. All of this in the form of blog posts, videos, photo albums and webinars.

Topcoder Nation became the endowment of community love, the manifestation of our bonding, and the fuel of inspiration for many. 

On this anniversary, I will take the opportunity to share a compilation of the topics and stories that struck me as especially poignant.


For a visceral, tear-dropping explanation of what Topcoder Nation is, do not miss this video from the 1:10:45 mark


Crowd Tips

Wisdom for improving performance, enduring failure and embracing success from top performers.

Perks of Remote Work

Thomas replying to forum messages while he was paragliding was nuts! Not to mention what Harshit had to do once to make a bus stop in order to get the internet to help run a SRM! Good stuff here.


Starck’s heart touching story of his first trip outside his country inspired so many people, what a life changing experience. You will also find the 360 video of the trip in there, can’t stop spinning.

Living Anywhere

The opportunity and freedom for members to go anywhere they want and make a life there using Topcoder as their main income source is priceless. Sergey and Wenbin exhibit two great stories.

You Know You Are a Topcoder When

If you just want to laugh, the Topcoder members know about humour as well, cracking jokes for the sake of mental health.


From all the articles written so far under the Topcoder Nation theme, there are some precious  stories. These are my top five (5) selections (tough choice already to reduce it to five).


As part of the anniversary month, we ran a challenge to create a graphic that embodies the spirit of the community. We had some fun, creative submissions. Congratulations to the winners.





To wrap this up, I want to bluntly thank all who have been part of this fascinating journey of the  remote work lifestyle, or simply life. Every second of your attention means the world to us, whether your gift is a smile, advice, a joke, a complaint, a slap, a meme of Jessie, or a #TBT picture.

Let's keep sharing our adventures, stories, and advice that can help people. Topcoder can change lives.

With love,




Are you living the gig economy lifestyle at Topcoder? Want to join fellow members? Share your story, your travels, and experiences about the ultimate goal of working at Topcoder; the freedom, the flexibility, and the earnings that make it happen! Join Topcoder Nation.