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Shining a spotlight on ESG Stories in the Oil & Gas Industry

What are businesses in Oil & Gas doing to address ESG? Oil and Gas Elevate, a new podcast on OGGN (the Oil and Gas Global Network) explores the Environmental, Social and Governance factors influencing the evolution of the energy industry. Oil & Gas is often not looked upon for leadership in sustainability, and that’s where hosts Sean McCoy & Eric Johnson focus. Their goal is to share different voices and great stories around ESG innovation in the sector. 



A recent episode of Oil and Gas Elevate featured Topcoder VP Clinton Bonner and past Uprisor podcast guest Richard Copsey. Richard is a technology innovation advisor for the energy industry. During his time as Open Innovation Manager at Anadarko, Richard did a ton of digitization work using Topcoder’s global crowd.

Clinton's segment of the episode focused on the innate diversity of Topcoder's global community, and about Topcoder Open (TCO), our annual mega-tournament event. At TCO, we invite our best and brightest community members to compete live in their different disciplines. It's a chance for Topcoder to celebrate the community and to showcase their brilliance.

Opportunity for All

Clinton also talked about how talent platforms like Topcoder distribute opportunity to passionate technologists around the globe. Designers, developers, data scientists, and testers come to Topcoder to solve real-world problems and acquire new skills. When you reach outside your four walls for brains or execution horsepower, you are often innately providing opportunity to truly deserving individuals. At the same time, you get the benefit of diverse perspectives looking at your problem. It’s a win-win. Opportunity for All is what Topcoder stands for.

On demand talent in the energy sector

Thank you to Oil and gas Elevate for featuring Topcoder, and Richard’s perspective, on the podcast. We can’t wait to hear more great stories about ESG innovation in Oil & Gas

Tapping freelancer skills on-demand gives our Energy customers the access to needed skill sets paired with the flexibility to ramp up and down cost-effectively. To see Topcoder’s Enterprise Data Science and Analytics work, check out this Ebook.