
Showing $ome Love For Our Problem Writers!

Happy February! 28 days of love! This February, we’re showing our love to all our Topcoder members, but particularly our problem writers.

We are always in need of quality algorithm problems and the pay is pretty good. So for February only we’ll be upping our payouts!

Write an entire SRM problem set and the prize is $1,500!

Write a TCO round problem and gain an extra $50 per problem!

Write a Division 2 or 2 problem and gain an extra $25 per problem!

These extra bonus payments won’t last long, and are available for all new and veteran problem writers at Topcoder. Problems must be submitted and accepted in February to count for the bonus payments and there is no limit to the submissions.

You can see all the details about problem writing at Topcoder here.

Also, don’t forget there is a chance to win a trip to TCO18 just by writing problems! A whole new stage has begun, so this month can earn you extra cash and potentially a trip! Good luck and we look forward to seeing your problems.