AlgorithmTopcoder Open (TCO)

TCO16 Algorithm Byes Announced!

The first Algorithm round for the 2016 Topcoder Open starts Saturday!

We are excited to announce all the members who have won an automatic bid into Round 2! View the entire list here.

How do we calculate the automatic berths?

The 250 members who have the highest algorithm competition rating as of Thursday, March 24, 2016 at 12:00 UTC -4 and who meet all of the following criteria received an automatic berth into Stage 2:

  1. Competed in at least one rated Topcoder SRM in 2016.

  2. Competed in a total of at least three (3) rated Topcoder Algorithm events as a member at any time.

  3. Meet all other Algorithm Competition and Tournament eligibility criteria.

Think you made the list? Be sure to check it out.

Remember, the first qualification round starts Saturday. Learn all you need to know about the Algorithm Competition of TCO16 here.