August 15, 2024 Uncover Hidden Issues with Topcoder Bug Hunts

Software bugs can quickly escalate into major problems, damaging your brand reputation and costing your business time and money. There’s no better example of this than the recent Crowdstrike incident. In July 2024, a mistake in CrowdStrike’s security software caused major problems for computers running Windows. This led to a widespread outage that affected businesses and individuals around the world. Computers started crashing and restarting, causing disruptions to everything from banking to air travel. Different sources have varying figures, but it’s clear that the financial impact was massive. Some estimates put the total loss in the tens of billions, with insured losses potentially reaching billions as well.

While the above is an extreme example, every day bugs cost companies financial losses that could be avoided. That’s where Topcoder’s crowdsourced bug hunts come in.

Find Bugs Before Your Users Do

Our global talent network is dedicated to finding those pesky bugs before they become a problem for your users. By proactively identifying and addressing issues, we help you maintain a positive user experience and protect your brand reputation.

Our diverse community of testers from 190 countries brings a fresh perspective to your software. They can uncover bugs that your internal teams might miss, helping you deliver a higher quality product. Our talent network brings diverse perspectives, represents over 100 languages, and accessibility needs to the table. This ensures your software is tested in a variety of real-world conditions.

With Topcoder bug hunts, you benefit from having multiple testers working on your project simultaneously. More testers means more bugs caught, resulting in a smoother, more polished product.

Speed is Key

Time is money, especially in the tech world. That’s why our bug hunts are lightning-fast. We identify and report issues quickly so you can fix them before they become a bigger problem. Early detection = early fix = less stress for you.

Detailed Reporting

We don’t just tell you there’s a bug, we provide a detailed report outlining its severity, location, and even suggestions for fixing it. This roadmap empowers you to prioritize issues and get your software back on track.

Ready to have your bugs squashed? Contact us today at or head here to learn more about how we can help you deliver exceptional software.

Becky Embree


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