How (and Why) Consultancies & Agencies Partner with Topcoder
Buyers have more choices than ever before, and for consultancies and agencies, that translates into ever-increasingly stiff competition. And landing new clients in a hypercompetitive landscape is feat enough; add relationship management and customer demand for continuous innovation to the mix and things become that much more complex.
But what if there existed a partner to help you deliver more high-quality design, testing, and development work for your clients — exactly when you need it? One that could help you accelerate and repeat innovation? That’s where Topcoder comes in.
Why partner with Topcoder?
Consultancies and agencies partner with us for three reasons:
New way to get work done = new business opportunities. Crowdsourcing provides two things consultancies and agencies want: innovation and reliability. Partners can leverage our global talent network to differentiate themselves from competitors, help clients experiment more, and extend their bench strength.
True partner support. Topcoder aligns with our partners every step of the way — with dedicated resources, on-platform experts, co-selling and co-marketing, lead sharing, discounted pricing, and more.
Broaden your horizons (and your sales). We have years of experience in everything from UI/UX exploration and prototyping to QA and analytics. When you partner with us, you share in our expertise.
With Topcoder, consultancies and agencies can remain lean and hit the ground running with new resources and solutions for clients — on demand. Here are just four ways partners can leverage Topcoder for clients:
Only crowdsourcing delivers true optionality. With quick front-end design projects that deliver 6-12 agency-quality designs on average, Topcoder enables clients to rapidly explore and iterate on user interface concepts — for web, app, and more.
Speed to market matters. With Topcoder, your clients:
Get to and through rapid prototyping faster, so they can deliver more beta apps and solutions.
Can quickly create and evaluate MVPs.
Experiment with edge technologies like AI, blockchain, IoT, and more.
Quality assurance (QA) is painstaking, time-consuming work, and consultancies and agencies often need external resources to tackle QA effectively. Fortunately, we have thousands of expert testers on our platform. QA solutions from Topcoder can help your clients with:
Structured and unstructured testing.
Find and fix bugs, UI/UX flaws, and more — fast.
Git integrations.
Freeing up key internal resources.
… and ultimately get better QA results.
We consistently help our partners and their clients experiment and achieve their goals in data science. We specialize in the following areas of data science:
Data science ideation (i.e., uncovering new approaches to complex, data-centric problems).
Machine learning algorithms.
Computer vision algorithms.
Predictive analytics.
Sometimes more is just more. But when you partner with Topcoder, more makes the difference — and you only pay per project. More designers and developers means more UX/UI designs for clients to choose from and more algorithmic solutions delivered faster. More testers means more bugs caught and crushed in hours and days, not weeks. And we’re there every step of the way to guide you and your clients through the crowdsourcing process.