Win a T-shirt! Data Science Weekly Challenges
Have you ever felt that there are not enough fun and exciting things happening around the Algorithm and Marathon tracks during TCO? Not enough opportunities, other than just the regular competitions? Maybe, oh I don’t know, not enough swag, unless, of course, you’re one of those guys who frequent the onsite finals?
This year we’re trying something new for our Data Science members that will (hopefully!) liven things up a bit - Data Science Weekly Challenges (swag included)!
Here is how it works
Starting the week of March 20, 2017, each week we’ll announce a challenge related to Topcoder Open and ongoing Data Science competitions. It could require getting a certain achievement in one of the competitions in which you’d participate anyways or doing something extra just for fun (remember “Surprise Me” mini-contests we had for TCO11?).
The exact list of challenges is still in the works, so if you have an awesome idea to try, feel free to contact me (michaylova at gmail dot com). Note: ideas like “The winner is the participant of Round 1 whose handle has the smallest edit distance with <your handle here>” are not considered seriously!
The winner of each challenge will receive a TCO17 t-shirt!
*You can only win one TCO17 t-shirt across all tracks/challenges which are part of TCO17. The winner of each challenge will be announced as soon as possible, but the t-shirts will be shipped only after TCO17 is over.
The first challenge is up!
For the week of March 20th, the t-shirt will go to...
...The lowest-rated member who gets a bye to Stage 2 of Algorithm Competition
The winner for the challenge will be announced as part of the Algorithm Byes on March 31st.
I hope you didn’t have anything planned for the time of SRM 711 yet...