IntelliCase Bot (GPT)

Topcoder’s first Innovation Challenge, IntelliCase Bot (GPT), attracted brilliant AI experts from the Topcoder community to push the possibilities of conversational chatbots.

Challenge overview

The Topcoder community was asked to make a chatbot capable of searching, analyzing, and presenting case studies to website visitors.

The project used open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) to address customer concerns that the chatbot keeps customer information private, lets the owners manage how it works, and controls what messages it sends.

Winning solution features

  • Data Preparation: Case study documents, including PPTs, images, PDFs, and Word documents, are processed to extract relevant text.
  • Text Summarization with AI: An open-source LLM provides summaries of the extracted text from each case study.
  • Organized for Quick Search: An embedding model organizes the text for quick retrieval, storing it in a searchable database.

335 registrants

participated in the challenge


prize pot attracted top talent

8 winning solutions

All diverse and innovative


  • Accelerate Sales, Empower Customers:

    The IntelliCase Bot streamlines case study discussions, helping  customers quickly grasp key insights and make confident decisions.
  • Data Privacy and Control:
    The IntelliCase Bot prioritize data privacy, ensuring local ownership and control. This addresses critical user concerns and builds trust.
  • Technical Innovation:
    Leveraging advanced technologies like Mistral’s MOE design and RAG frameworks, the Topcoder community pushed the boundaries of conversational AI.​

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Innovation Challenges Blog

All about Innovation Challenges

Each month, our platform hosts Topcoder Innovation Challenges aimed at addressing intricate technological challenges. The challenge model, and Innovation Challenges in particular, offer a novel way for our customers to solve problems by tapping into a community of proven global experts.

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IntelliCase Bot (GPT)

Topcoder’s first Innovation Challenge, IntelliCase Bot (GPT), attracted brilliant AI experts from the Topcoder community to push the possibilities of conversational chatbots.