Microsoft: Pushing Boundaries to Power QA & Testing

Structured Regression and In-the-Wild QA Performed Every 7th Day through Crowdsourcing

Challenge overview

The product team at Microsoft has adopted a modern delivery philosophy, including 7-day sprints and best practices utilizing a CICD (continuous integration, continuous delivery) cadence. In lay terms, they are pushing a lot of code, features, and UX improvements, all the time.

While modern delivery methods have evolved, driving efficiencies and velocity gains, QA and testing practices have tended to lag behind. The team from Microsoft saw this as a unique experience to engage a crowdsourced model to gain a different perspective.

Winning solution features

  • Innovation through Experimentation: Through experimentation, honest and ongoing dialogue, and a willingness from the Microsoft group to try a new approach, Wipro and Topcoder helped the Microsoft Teams squad innovate on their QA practice.
  • Crowdsourcing as the Solution: Crowdsourcing enabled the Microsoft Teams squad to leverage a diverse pool of talent and perspectives to enhance their quality assurance processes and achieve more robust and effective outcomes.

140 challenges


2,030 testers

participated in the challenge

83 countries



  • Wipro and Topcoder delivered the ability to execute 24-hour testing cycles every single week, increasing Microsoft’s testing velocity and matching their product team’s dev release cadence.
  • Via on-demand testing on Topcoder, ramp-up & ramp-down was made simple.
  • A world-wide community of testers continuously provided feedback and documented defects, while helping Microsoft achieve wider test coverage across more devices and operating systems.

Inspiring QA work completed with our talent

Website QA

Topcoder tested the Dyson’s online store for UK and India markets.

QA home appliance site

Conducted a bug hunt on their Spain home appliance site.

Tocoder’s QA Testing

Exploratory/unstructured testing of mobile app for Android devices.

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