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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

We have a pretty decent start with out Drone Service Provider App and we are ready to make a bunch of small fixes and enhancements before we start to add some new features. In the forum you will find the github repo to our front end. You will be happy to know that it is pre-configure to connect to our working backend. All you have to do is.

git clone ....
npm install
npm start

If you need to see the server code for reference I will provide that in the forums too. And you should be ready to go!

Once you login and run the app you can go to the planner and create a mission. In a few minutes some of the fixes that are need should be pretty obvious, however he is a list of things that we need done:

1.  Support to delete a mission waypoint. This needs to be handled carefully as if a waypoint is deleted all the react state variables has to be readjusted. This should also be tested properly for various use cases and probable race condition.

2.  “plannedHomePosition" should have altitude 0m, not 25m by default

3.  if I input some parameter values and select some command for one map node in popup, close it and open it again, the values didn't get updated, seem the values get updated in downloaded mission file.

4.  When editing a mission, it is better to calculate the average longitude/latitude of all nodes, then center the map to the average location.

5.  When clicking a node in the map, a popup is shown to edit node data, it is better to have a "Save" button to save the data, instead of using the "X" and change the popup to a list of points in a right side panel which is more like qGroundControl

6.  Code refactoring: MissionPlanner and EditMissionPlanner code should be refactored, some of the functions can be taken out in separate util class. There are some places where some of the variables are hard coded. Everything soulld be kept in state. For constants define top level constants.

Source: Github Issue #3

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Ensure good test coverage on all modules
    Upload documentation for how to run your submission
    Upload all your source code as a zip for review
    Winner will be required to submit a pull request with their winning code.
    Please include a video with your submission.   If you are not comfortable with spoken english feel free to annotate with text.


Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


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ID: 30055665