Submit a solution
The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

As we continue our Drone Series challenges, we have now have some of the consumer models define for our API in the previous challenge: WEBAPI - CONSUMER TO DSP API PRODUCT CATALOG - SWAGGER API DESIGN as a Swagger doc. For this challenge all you need to do is impment them in this dsp-server code base. You will find the winning submission in the forum as a zip file. (

Setup Steps:

  1. git clone the 30055691 tag from the server repo or download the zip here

    npm install
    run mongo mongod
    Create a .env file with
    Start with nf start web or node app.js` but you will need to load the env vars by hand.


  1. merge the models in from the submission
    Create a Controller and Service for each of the models
    add the corresponding routes
    If you use any tools please call out your technique in your readme.

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Ensure good test coverage on all modules
    Upload documentation for how to run your submission
    Upload all your source code as a zip for review
    Winner will be required to submit a pull request with their winning code.

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30055691