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Challenge Summary

Welcome to "Government Agency New Digital Identity Platform Wireframe Challenge". In this challenge, we are looking for you to help plan a great user experience for a new digital identity management tool. A digital identity will be a verified and authenticated digital credential that verifies a person's identity. The purpose of this challenge is to design the information architecture and intuitive (wireframe) interface to deliver a brilliant user experience that will be a key component to the adoption of this digital identity management tool. Please check out more details below!

At the end of this challenge, we are looking for best-in-class wireframe designs that will help us design and build the user interface for the digital identity solution and continue to improve the user experience in the next phase of this project: high-fidelity design concepts. 

Round 1

Initial submission for client review 
1. Landing Screen
2. Digital ID Creation Screens
3. Digital ID Dashboard Screen
4. Digital ID Management Screen
5. Selecting & Managing Government Services/Program Applications Screen

Round 2

All requirements like stated in challenge details with client feedback applied.
1. Landing Screen
2. Digital ID Creation Screens
3. Digital ID Dashboard Screen
4. Digital ID Management Screen
5. Selecting & Managing Government Services/Program Applications Screen
6. Example application for a government agency program Screen
7. FAQ for the Tool Screen
8. Other pages/screens up to your discretion! 
During this challenge, we would like for you to take the provided design problem, explore the user experience, and design wireframes which highlight user navigation, experience, and information flow across the digital identity tool. 
Challenge Timeline and Checkpoint 
- Challenge Starts: 11/18/2016 16:00 EST
- Checkpoint: 11/22/2016 06:00 EST 
- Challenge Ends: 11/28/2016 03:00 EST

We are offering an award to the top 3 wireframe designs! Plus 5 $125 Checkpoint prizes!
1) $1900
2) $650
3) $325
Checkpoint $125 each for 5 selected submissions.

Background Overview
Government programs require proof of identification and other attributes when citizens apply, register, or sign up for programs and services. These requirements are necessary to prove that people are who they say they are and are eligible for certain programs. Today there is no single technology solution for identify management and authentication. Additionally, there is no one-stop shop for common government transactions that require proof of identity. 

Depending on the program, citizens are required to supply different pieces of information and verify different components of their identity. If a citizen has provided one government program with his or her information, this does not mean that this information or identity verification will apply to other programs. Therefore, many citizens are left to manage the various pieces of their identity information manually including which information is required for certain government programs and the applications and renewal of applications for these programs. Citizens have developed complex processes, filing habits, and spreadsheets to track all of this information – leading to headaches, time loss, and possible security issues.  

"I definitely did not keep [the identity credential] in a safe place. I think I just made my ID the same as my bank pin number and then stored it in a Word document or emailed it to myself." – End User

"I just spent all that time confirming my identity to secure my loans, and now I have to do it all again to service them. You'd think since it is all the same agency they could share that information." – End User

Challenge Goals
We strive to solve this design problem with a single, dynamic platform that will house various identity attributes, authentication services, and requirements for identity management of various government organizations. The goal is to improve digital interactions between users and organizations by allowing users to proactively assemble and manage their digital identities while also reducing the identity verification burden on organizations (check diagram.jpg in the attachment).

The goal of this wireframe challenge is to take the first step towards solving for this design challenge, including designing the information architecture and user navigation for this web application. We want to deliver a great user experience that is simple, intuitive, and very easy for different users to understand and adopt. 

Target User
This challenge will focus on target end users who are: 
- Government citizens
- Predominantly 18 years and older, both male and female 

User Needs: 
-Transparency and control in the process: 
-- "There needs to be a window or a portal to self-check progress. People need to be able to check into the system, see where they are, and better help themselves along in the process." – Agency 
-- Current user frustration – "It feels like my information is in a black box and I don't really know what is being done with it. Is my PII being handled properly? Where am I in the process?" – End User

- Confidence in the security of personal information: 
-- Current user frustration – "I've never had a good feeling about sharing this information. I don't trust [the government]. So if I need to hold onto something, like a credential, I make a note of it and store it myself." – End User

- Convenience & flexibility: 
-- Current user frustration – "I had to schedule an in-person proof, but all the appointments are from 9-5. I had to totally rearrange my schedule, take off a Wednesday from work, and drive to the site."  - End User

- User centricity and customer friendly processes:
-- Current user frustration with existing application processes – "I don't know who their customer is but it certainly isn't me. This process wasn't designed with me or my needs in mind.." – End User

- Clean, Intuitive Design: 
-- Current user frustration with website design today – "The look of this website alone gives me stress..This looks like an Amazon website from the late 90s. It is so much text." – End User

Core Functionality:
For this challenge, we are designing wireframes for the citizen end user for this new Digital Identity tool. This tool has two proposed core functions for citizen users:
1. Digital Identity Manager
- A user wants to upload and secure identity information in a central, digital location 
- A user wants to add and recall important identity documentation and information 
- The tool should provide an authoritative mechanism to authenticate identities and share credentials across multiple relaying parties 

2. Government Program/Services Applications  
- A user wants to complete common transactions within the tool for partner organizations/agencies (e.g. apply for passport)
- A user wants to be able to use his/her Digital ID and other stored identity information to easily complete forms within the tool (e.g. through auto-population). A user should not have to re-enter the same information twice.
- A user wants to be able to select which organizations and programs have access to various components of his/her Digital ID and identity information

Suggested Screens
For this wireframe challenge, it is important to note that we would like you to think through which pages are necessary and how to layout the above functionality. We would like to see your suggestions for a clear information architecture and beautiful user experience. Below are a list of suggested screens for the Digital Identity tool. Please note that these are merely suggestions – if you can think of ways to lay out the above functionality and features to improve the user experience, please do. If you need to combine or alter suggested screens, please do. 

1. Landing Screen
- We would like for you to build the landing page for this Digital Identity tool. This landing page should orient the user to the goals and functionality of the tool. It should be educational and provide a clear overview of what the tool is able to do. 
- Based on the overview of the tool, outlined functionality above, and user needs – what would you suggest including on this homepage? 
- If you need a starting place, consider the suggested information for the landing page below:
-- Overview of the tool's purpose and capabilities 
-- Vignette explaining the tool's functionality
- List of transactions types that are possible through the Digital Identity tool's streamlined government services hub (e.g., file taxes, apply for healthcare, apply for financial aid, apply for a passport) 
-- User testimonial communicating the utility of the tool
- The landing page should prompt returning users to "log-in" and new users to "create a new ID" 
-- New users will proceed to the Digital ID Creation Screens (outlined in screen #2 below)
-- Returning users will be taken to Digital ID Dashboard (outlined in screen #3 below)

2. Digital ID Creation Screens
- When a user visits this site for the first time and selects "Create a new ID", he/she should be prompted or encouraged to create a Digital ID. This process should feel secure and give the user a sense of confidence in the security of the information he/she has entered. 
- To create a Digital ID, users will need to answer a series of questions on basic demographic information to verify their identity, including a digital signature
- This form needs to be intuitive, clean, and clear. It must be easy to navigate and users should always know where they are in the process. 
- How can you lay out this form and questions to create a clean user experience? Consider the following:
-- Be clear with what information is expected, which is optional, and which is required
-- Break down the form into clear, easy steps and constantly communicate to the user where he/she is in the process (e.g. progress bar)
-- Consider how you can reduce manual user input (auto-population, hide unnecessary information, auto-format, auto advance etc.)
-- Promote readability (labels above fields, font/field size, top-down layout)
- Example questions/demographic information to solicit in this form: 
-- General demographic information: Name, Birth Date, Sex, Identification Number, Mailing Address, Email, Phone Number, Marital Status (Single, Married, Separated, Divorced/Widowed)
- It should be clear that a user will only have to enter this information once. After it is associated with his/her Digital ID, any other time a form or application requires it on the site it will be auto-populated.
- Upon submission, the solutions should display feedback to the user that their account is approved/pending/denied, as well as a clear sentence or two describing next steps in the process (e.g., "You will receive an email confirmation of account approval in 2-3 business days.")

3. Digital ID Dashboard Screen
- Once a user has set up an ID, received approval, and logged in, they should land on their Digital ID dashboard, based on the functionality outlined above, attached scenarios, and user needs – what information should be outlined on this dashboard?
- If you need suggestions on dashboard content consider the following:
-- Summary of recent activity 
-- Summary of what programs a user is enrolled in (including expiration dates) and which applications they have started and the status / progress of each (tracker / check-list)
-- Personalized suggestions for the citizen to transact with based on provided information from the user. For example, if a user has already completed a Passport application, he/she may have already submitted 70% of the requirements for a different government service. If this service is relevant to the user, this program should be suggested to the user on the homepage after they have created their profile, along with percent to "identity compatibility" based on attributes previously input.
-- Notifications of expiration/upcoming applications that may be relevant to the user (Passport expiration date approaching, consider uploading new picture, etc.)
- Global navigation should be clear and intuitive. Downstream pages should have a clear call-to-action.

4. Digital ID Management Screen
- A user should be able to continually maintain their identity information and keep their required information up to date through the Digital ID tool. 
- The tool should contain a very easy way to do this, in addition to providing the ability to upload other, non-required documentation 
- Users should be able to upload what they want and should not feel pressure to add these details to their digital identity. 
-- Upload and storage of physical forms (e.g. tax returns, medical records) to a document library
-- "Password Vault" or secure location to store passwords for various digital accounts 
-- "Add Dependent": Feature to add a child/parent as dependent
-- Photo Tool: Feature that allows upload of a user photo 
-- Feature that allows upload of a user photo for certain transactions (e.g. Passport)
- Does this need to be its own screen? Where is the best way to incorporate maintenance of digital identity information in this user experience? 

5. Selecting & Managing Government Services/Program Applications Screen
- As mentioned above, the other major function for this Digital Identity tool will be to provide a one-stop shop for government services applications. 
- Users should be able to identify which partner organizations (and their respective services) have applications on the site. 
- Users should be able to select which of these services they would like to apply for and begin applications. 
- Users should see what they are enrolled in (including expiration dates), which applications they have started (and progress), and suggested services (based on a user's other enrolled services/programs and the current identity information he/she has uploaded, the tool should suggest other programs/services he/she may be eligible for)

6. Example application for a government agency program Screen
- Once a user selects a new program application, he / she will be taken to an online application for this specific program. In this wireframe challenge, we would like for you to design the application experience for one of the government services (e.g. Apply for Passport).
- Users should be able to use their Digital ID and other stored identity information to easily complete forms within the tool (e.g. through auto population based on current information in the tool).
-- The user will then be asked additional questions specific to the application of the agency they are applying for.
-- For example, if it is "Apply for Passport", users would be asked these additional questions:
---- Height (Feet & inches)
---- Hair Color
---- Eye Color
---- Emergency Contact (Name, Phone, Relation to applicant)
---- roof of Citizenship (Inherited from Digital ID or Separate Process)
---- Proof of Identification (Inherited from Digital ID)
- Similar to the initial Digital Identity Creation outlined above in #2 screens. How can you make this process incredibly easy and customer-centric? These applications need to be intuitive, clean, and clear. It must be easy to navigate and users should always know where they are in the process. A user should not re-enter information he/she has already added to their Digital identity
- Features to consider as you design the government services/program application functionality: 
-- Communicate and track against key milestones of transaction completion (e.g. design a checklist)
-- User always knows how much farther to go in the completion of an application (e.g. progress bar)
-- User should have ability to save and close and return to the application at a later date 

7. FAQ for the Tool Screen
- There should be a portion of the tool dedicated to FAQ and information about the tool's commitment to security. Although this is currently listed as a suggested screen, how might you incorporate FAQ in other areas of the site? Does the FAQ have to be its own page? How can you create an easy way users to research FAQ throughout the site. 
- Outside of this page, how can you make sure the user is comfortable with security measures across the tool and confident in the information's security? 

8. Other pages/screens up to your discretion! 
- As mentioned above we are looking for wireframes that create an intuitive and seamless user experience. Outside of the suggested pages above - are there are any other functions or features that you would recommend? Consider how a user might learn more about government programs or services. 
- Additionally, these screens are merely suggestions. If you can think of a better way to lay this out – please do! 

Things to consider for intended user:
- Why is he/she opening this web application in the first place? What is he/she looking to do?
- What is the "first experience" when opening the application? What is the primary goal of the application and experience? 
- What is the priority actions or items a user needs to interact with?
- Where and how will the application be used the most? 

Desired Brand Attributes: 
- Should feel safe, secure, and authoritative
- Should inspire confidence in the process & government
- Should be clean & intuitive (must not add complexity or confusion)
- Should be concise with clear call to actions

Design Inspiration:
- User centricity / personalization: 
-- Netflix – We like that the Netflix homepage is customized for the viewer based on their browsing history, viewing history, and other attributes. We hope our prototype will be able to provide a tailored list of government programs that will be relevant to the user once he has filled out his initial profile.
-- Grub Hub – We like that this site is personalized for those visitors that have logged-in and feel like it is catering to a visitor's specific needs 
-- Money Super Market (car insurance) – embeds the FAQ section on the same page as the application, enabling a more seamless user experience. The "i" button next to application questions provides troubleshooting solutions and also explains why the form is seeking that piece of information, which is important for users concerned about data security.

- Progress trackers: 
-- Turbo Tax - This tool is heavily reliant on users entering a large amount of information into forms. We like that Turbo Tax provides clear indicator of where users are in the process and what else they have to do to accomplish a task.
---- Keeping the goal (carrot) and deadline (stick) front and center helps prevent drop-off and makes it clear that the product is focused on the user's concerns.
---- A consistent and highly visual UI combining icons and text offers a much better experience than a thousand drop-downs, checkboxes, and text inputs.
-- LinkedIn Profile completion – We like that the "LinkedIn" progress bar outlines your progress toward the development of a LinkedIn profile. We'd like our prototype to also show how close the user is to completing the requirements for a profile with a particular Agency.

- Interactive & engaging forms / elements of the tool: 
-- Virgin America – The website engages users' attention by asking simple and easily understood questions such as "Where would you like to go?" It has also streamlined the questionnaire process by eliminating the multi-page progression and instead designed everything to fit on a single screen, more closely mimicking the mind of the user. We want to make the process as easy as possible for the users, because we want them to continue to return to the platform.

Attached Documentation: 
- Challenge Goal diagram
- 2 user scenarios 
- Design inspiration examples 

Target Devices:
- Responsive website - Desktop (1280px)
****Please note**** The final solution will be a fully responsive web application. Please consider this as you design your desktop layouts so that these designs are scalable for other device sizes.

Wireframe Expectations:
- Produce HTML click through wireframes that can be used to demonstrate all mentioned functionalities as required in each round.
- The website must be very easy to use and intuitive. Keep that in mind when designing your solution.
- You MUST cover all screens mentioned in required sections below, if any requirement is missing in final submission the client will not look at it, so make a checklist for the required screens to make sure you designed all of them.
- Please show us your proposal as a movie or series of wireframes that communicate the user’s intended interaction with your proposed solution.
- You MUST use wireframes note pane in every single page you design to explain what items are addressed in that page from the documentation, what things you added/changed/removed, use it to make your idea clearer and help the client to give you constructive feedback.

Learn Axure:
New to Axure? Here are some quick tutorials to help you get started.

Judging Criteria
- User Experience of application.
- Completeness and accuracy of the wireframe as defined in the spec requirements.
- How well your wireframes provide a consistent user flow.

Submission & Source Files
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.

Submission File
Generated HTML files with all the requested contest requirements stated above.

Source Files
Wireframes should be built in Axure. The resulting files should have generated HTML files. Also, all the content must be listed and the pages are linked together to show page flow.

Final Fixes
As part of the Final Fix phase, you may be asked to remove, update, or change some features of the wireframe.

Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.

How To Submit

  • New to Studio? ‌Learn how to compete here
  • Upload your submission in three parts (Learn more here). Your design should be finalized and should contain only a single design concept (do not include multiple designs in a single submission).
  • If your submission wins, your source files must be correct and final fixes (if applicable) must be completed before payment can be released.
  • You may submit as many times as you'd like during the submission phase, but only the number of files listed above in the Submission Limit that you rank the highest will be considered. You can change the order of your submissions at any time during the submission phase. If you make revisions to your design, please delete submissions you are replacing.

Winner Selection

Submissions are viewable to the client as they are entered into the challenge. Winners are selected by the client and are chosen solely at the client's discretion.

Challenge links

Screening Scorecard

Submission format

Your Design Files:

  1. Look for instructions in this challenge regarding what files to provide.
  2. Place your submission files into a "" file.
  3. Place all of your source files into a "" file.
  4. Declare your fonts, stock photos, and icons in a "Declaration.txt" file.
  5. Create a JPG preview file.
  6. Place the 4 files you just created into a single zip file. This will be what you upload.

Trouble formatting your submission or want to learn more? ‌Read the FAQ.

Fonts, Stock Photos, and Icons:

All fonts, stock photos, and icons within your design must be declared when you submit. DO NOT include any 3rd party files in your submission or source files. Read about the policy.


All submissions are screened for eligibility before the challenge holder picks winners. Don't let your hard work go to waste. Learn more about how to  pass screening.

Challenge links

Questions? ‌Ask in the Challenge Discussion Forums.

Source files

  • HTML
  • RP file created with Axure
  • InVision Apps

You must include all source files with your submission.

Submission limit


ID: 30055715