TCO Dev Finals Drone mapping overlay

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Challenge Overview

The Drone Service Platform attempts to connect drone operators or pilots (PROVIDERS)  with users who need drone services (CONSUMERS).   These services fall into one of two major categories:  (1) Imaging  and (2) Delivery of goods.  Imaging and sensing can include anything from creating maps, to analysis of crops, to real estate photos.   There are hundreds of specialized imaging and sensor service offering available right now.    Drones for delivery is still under much regulations and scrutiny but we  expect it to mature and come to fruition in the next few years.


These two categories of service may provide  revenue in one or more of these formats.

1.  Direct - transactions between CONSUMERS and PROVIDERS for services

2. Indirect - Air Traffic management  subscription and compliancy service

3. Analytics-  - aggregated data which may  range from the performance characteristics of a certain drone model or the density of traffic in a particular area.

Final Submission Guidelines

Given a CONSUMER has solicited the services of a drone PROVIDER to run an aerial survey on a large area of land for potential development.   The provider chooses to create a ‘mission’ (autopilot flight plan)  to share with the consumer and request their approval of the path.    The mission will consist of the path the drone will fly on top of a map.   Each waypoint will represent a change of course or a specific instruction like to take a photograph or video in a certain direction and angle.   You can load the same json as the previous file for the flight path.  

For this challenge, you will add the ability to annotate the map.  A user will click a specific spot on a map or highlight an area on the map.  For the selected point or region, a user will be prompted with the ability to annotate the map. Annotations will consist of a single text field.

At the conclusion of this challenge, the consumer will be able to submit an annotated request for a mission flight path to be created.  You will not be creating the flight path as part of this challenge.

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30055795