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Challenge Overview


For this challenge we have a nice swagger doc created for our drone api service however we already had some endpoints for creating and updating the drones location that never made it into the swagger doc. You job is to update the swagger doc to include the /drones services.

You should write to the swagger.yaml file in the root doc not the swagger.json (I will generate that file with swagger-codegen generate -i swagger.yaml -l swagger when you are done.

Project Background

For this series we are creating a Drone Service Platform (DSP) which consist of a marketplace where customers can request drone services for providers/operators. Examples of the services would be drone delivery, mapping, monitoring and many other tasks. In addition to delivering drone services we will also provide a level of traffic management.

Other notable challenges in this series

Maps React and REST
React Map Mission Plan
Mission Plan fixes part 1
WEBAPI - Consumer to DSP API Product Catalog - swagger API design


front end src: topcoderinc/dsp-app
back end src: topcoderinc/dsp-app


Source: Github Issue #30

Final Submission Guidelines

Upload all your source code as a zip for review
Winner will be required to submit a pull request with their winning code.


2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


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ID: 30055820