IBM Cognitive - Fun Challenge 1 - Hello World

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Challenge Overview

As part of the launch of our new Topcoder Cognitive Community, we are launching series of fun challenges to help introduce you to IBM’s Bluemix platform. This challenge will be a good start to becoming acquainted with some Watson services.

This is a fun challenge. Although there will be no prize money awarded, members who complete this challenge successfully will receive 500 Cognitive Community points to show up on the leaderboard here:  

The Topcoder Cognitive Community member with the most Cognitive Points at the end of August 2017 will win an all-expenses paid trip to the Topcoder Open 2017 (TCO17) finals!

Requirements for this challenge

As your introduction to the Bluemix platform, build and upload a basic "Hello World" application to Bluemix.


1. If you have not already, go to  and click the Join the Topcoder Cognitive Community Button. Fill out the registration form and confirm your email address.

2. Go to the challenge forum and follow the thread on how to setup and extend your Bluemix trial account.  Doing so will give you a Bluemix account without requiring you to enter your credit card information.

3. Create a GitHub account if you don’t have one, and log in.

Required Steps for this Challenge

1. Fork this Bluemix Starter Pack to your own Repo:

2. Follow the deployment instructions to deploy to your own Bluemix Account with the url format: tc-<yourhandle>

If deployed correctly, this url: https://tc-<yourhandle>
Should show this: {"success":true}

How this Challenge will be Reviewed

This challenge is very binary.  You will upload your URL as stated in the Submission Guidelines.  There is no tiered placement: if your submission works as defined, you get 500 points for this Hello World Challenge.

Final Submission Guidelines

1. Deploy your Hello World application to the your Bluemix account

2. Provide your application URL in a text file and upload it to the challenge. 


2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30056108