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Challenge Overview

Welcome to Project Atlas! In this series of challenges we will be building out a Sharepoint 365 Add-in which will track various contacts and how they respond to surveys completed in SurveyMonkey. Here at Topcoder we get a lot of requests for Sharepoint challenges, so with some good submissions you can expect to see more challenges like these coming in the future.



In the last couple of weeks, we’ve run the following challenges


Project Atlas - Project Atlas - Proof of Concept - Sharepoint 365 Add-in w/ Charts

Project Atlas - Sharepoint 365 Data Import Tool

Project Atlast - 96 Hours Sharepoint 365 Environment Setup Scripts

Project Atlas - Sharepoint 365 Add-in Object View Screens


In the last challenge, we built the views for various entities for our Sharepoint Add-in - this is provided in the challenge forums. We now want to refine the user interface as per the following requirements


- Add in Dashboard, include graphs from POC. The graphs code is provided in the challenge forums as well.

- Navigation bar on top, navigates to each object. Break up the existing filter/search options so it is not displayed all at once. Navigation on top should bring up the appropriate interface.


Screen Shot 2017-03-08 at 11.06.20 PM.png


Navigating down on the dashboard page should show the graphs


Screen Shot 2017-03-08 at 11.09.25 PM.png


- Right sidebar is NOT in scope

-Selecting an item from nav menu should display each object

- Ability to add/remove fields from the filter and save the filter options for future use.

- Use type-ahead search fields when adding associated records (When a person record is adding organization, for example. Currently a picklist. When an interaction is having Person records assigned.)

- Update language of "Contact" to "Person" - use the person list.

- Checkboxes should allow for batch edits if multiple rows are checked. Confirm with user if they want to update one row or the selection.

- If possible, displayed columns should match the columns displayed on the List view in Sharepoint so it is somewhat dynamic.

BONUS - if anyone can figure out a way to hide/show columns directly inside the add-in we will award a bonus prize of $500. Hide/Show of columns should apply for all users, for all future sessions.

Final Submission Guidelines

- The Add-in, meeting the requirements above (Visual Studio project files) and built on top of the data model/ provided scripts.

- Document consisting of full configuration, deployment and verification information.

- A video demonstrating the installation and use of your add-in

- Please provide access to your Sharepoint 365 demo environment for verification

- Winner will be required to raise a merge request to our repo


Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30056375