Submit a solution
The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Some of you may remember on our old platform back in the day we had a dynamic globe image that shows the activity of Topcoder challenge activity from around the world. That project was called Corona so this one is creatively named Corona2. We are providing you with a live public data feed of the participation for the active challenges. From that, we are looking for creative standalone apps inspired by the image below:

The requirements are very simple: Make something cool, no but seriously that is about it. We have a lot of interested parties on this one so we are making it subjective which means we will rank the entries and pay the top two. However, we may buy some ideas too but more on that in a minute, first let's take a minute to tell you what is important.

1. Has to be written in React and the react ecosystems
2. As useful as this utility will be it also needs to be a showcase app that we can show our customers and use as a use case. So please us your best coding standards and unit tests.
3. We would Love, Love, Love to enrich this data with something else: for example using Graphql to resolve city name to cords seems like an obvious must-have.
4. Search/filter and what every you think is a good example of displaying this data are also great candidates for your creativity as well as 3D globe features: rotate, zoom ...
5. Should work well on a tablet and mobile.

Now a few notes on the discretionary bonus I mentioned above:

We are giving you a live json feed which the basic data. However, we are looking for suggestions of what you would do if you had any data you wanted. How would your design be different? Think of the section and an optional proposal that you can include as part of your submission.

You can find the PSD of the image above in the github repo

Source: Github Issue #1

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Ensure good test coverage on all modules
    Upload documentation for how to run your submission as a file
    Deploy your solution to Heroku
    Upload all your source code as a zip for review from the git repo and be sure to include the .git file
    The winner will be required to submit a pull request with their winning code.


2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30057746