Challenge Overview
Challenge Overview
Welcome to the Topcoder EdgeNet Challenge Series! We are running a series of challenges leading up to the 2021 Topcoder Open (TCO) to educate and introduce you to the EdgeNet Platform, API’s and Services. Learn all about the Challenge Series - jump in, register on the EdgeNet Developer Platform, ask questions, and have fun creating! Each Topcoder challenge in the series will have its own unique objectives so join in at any time and realize that the more you learn about EdgeNet and 5G, the more it will help you during TCO21 upcoming events.
Fun Prizes
In addition to the cash prizes, AlefEdge will award EdgeNet T-shirts for all submitters that pass review.
Challenge Objectives
- Develop a mobile application that shows users video feeds from different content agencies.
- For mobile users
- The output of this challenge will act as a proof of concept for EdgeNet’s real-world application
Project Background:
- Alefedge and Topcoder are collaborating to train, educate and grow a developer community prepped with future-ready 5G Edge skills to build next-gen solutions.
- AlefEdge enables private 5G Edge infrastructure as well as compute close to the application, that enables new user interactions Program Information
- By abstracting the complexity of 5G, EdgeNet unleashes a massive Edge Internet economy, by enabling developers to securely build 5G Edge applications and services that include artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 manufacturing, smart cities, virtual & augmented reality, and more.
Problem Statement:
Imagine a new video video app. Something like Flipboard but for video.
App must use the Edge Video API from
Functional Requirements:
The proof of concept functional requirements are simple:
- Must incorporate Alefedge Video Enablement API.
- The user should be able to load and view news feed videos in low latency using the EdgeNet Video Enablement API. (reference)
- Apart from viewing the video news feed, the user will be able to mark that video as a favorite or “save for later” for them to come back and watch it again.
- You will upload sample videos as a demo news feed, as a part of this challenge.
- Must check code into Github.
- Must write that includes links to API and Alefedge.
- Any language/platform can be used to create your app
- App must compile
Interface Requirements
- The interface has to be a mobile app. Native and non-native/mobile-web both are accepted.
- Participants are free to innovate how the application’s UI/UX looks.
- Participants are free to integrate the backend using the stack of their choice with standard documentation.
- The prime focus here is to see how the use case turns out.
Additional Ideas
Here are some additional ideas to consider as you journey down the path of app creation:
- Users may be able to search and subscribe to channels of their choice.
- Users may be able to search videos based on their news feed title.
- Users may be able to share the news feed on Twitter, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn.
Submission Deliverables
Please submit the zip file containing the following for the initial review:
- Upload code to Github
- Source code with detailed deployment steps
- Video walkthrough for verification of up to 2 minutes. (Please share through your google drive. Please do not upload the video itself in the submission.)
- Link video within Github submission
- There are no prereqs for this challenge. You can take a lot of help from the EdgeNet API documentation.
- If you are getting started and want to learn more, check out the EdgeNet series on Topcoder.
Topcoder Edgenet Challenge Series
As part of the Topcoder EdgeNet Challenge series, we are excited to hear and learn from Topcoder Community members about your experience with this challenge, future challenges, and the EdgeNet platform. The winners of this challenge will have an opportunity to share their experience or be showcased as a top developer in EdgeNet challenges. Topcoder may reach out to the winner, where the winner(s) can participate in additional marketing and promotional activities related to the EdgeNet Challenge Series.