Nom NAFTA Model 1.0

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

The purpose of this architecture is to define the Nom/Nafta Notes Application to be built on a new platform (Java). These definitions include all the current functionality and other issues to be fixed.

Nom/Nafta database provides information to keep traffic regulations for US & Mexico deliveries.   The Certificates have to be printed to be included in the import documentation.


Additionally, the application will notify to the owners which certificates will expire in the current month or day.


The users of this tool will be: IBM employees in the operation Team from GL Export /Import (and the Mexico Broker´s team).


Today, Mexico imports about 90% of IBM products from USA. They could apply for the NAFTA benefits and save IBM important amounts of money in the form of import tax reduction.


However, benefits of this tax saving opportunity is reduced by the fact that most of the documentation required by Mexico government to apply for the benefit are not in time when we import these products. So, IBM has to pay full taxes and when we have all the documents we can ask the tax compensation. This process takes us about eight months. This problem often happens with new products, and sometimes with older ones.


The required documentation are basically Certificates of Origin (CoO) and NOM (technical approval for the product).


The objective of the CoO is to have on a single database all the typemodel machines imported to Mexico which shows us the documentation requirements for each equipment and the date it has been fulfilled so that in a single view we can know if there is any document missing. Another requirement would be to have on the database the possibility to save a .jpg version of the document so that we could print it whenever we need to. This facility would help Boulder, Mexico and our broker. This kind of DB tool would also be useful to Canada, because as far as we know they are facing the same problems.


The component will provide the entities and defined in the Model and Exceptions Class Diagram in the TCUML.


This component is to go directly into development. For the convenience of the developer, the classes and fields have been already documented at the level usually provided by design.

Final Submission Guidelines



Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30015645