Challenge Overview
Hera would like a to implement a widget that allows a user to find out interest rates for auto loans based on a users state, credit rating, and loan type. The widget will be embedded on a number of high profile sites and we will also define functionality for a user to generate HTML so they can embed the widget on any site.
Widget requirements
1) The widget should be able to live on any website (,,
2) The default rates will be the lowest rates available at the time.
3) The widget will collect consumer zip code, loan type, and consumer credit rating.
4) Loan rates will be pulled from DB based on criteria above and displayed to consumer on the result page.
5) The consumer will get in touch with the lender via phone or lender's website (or both). Therefore, on the result page, we'll have to provide hyperlink(s) to display those. Each link click will be tracked for billing purposes.
6) We also need the ability to easily change the colors of the widget. For example, if the widget is on, the colors can be changed to go with their theme.
Final Submission Guidelines
A prototype is attached in the forum that shows the functionality that will be developed through architecture and assembly competitions. This RIA Build competition's goal is to drastically reduce the amount of HTML text that makes up the widget through external file references and Javascript. We want to get this down to just a few tags and a line or two of text, if possible.
Things that can be done to make this much smaller:
1) Move all CSS to an external reference called by a "
3) Move any inline Javascript or basic tags to an external file
Our goal is to make the widget code that needs to be embedded as small as possible - preferably one Javascript import and a couple of parameters. We still need to maintain flexibility to allow for easily changing the widget layout in the future. |