/TC Refactoring - Stage 1 Specification

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

We are going to start taking some steps to refactor and improve the TopCoder community sites.  The first one we'll start with is www.topcoder.com/tc.  The first improvements involve updating some of the "services" that provide contest data to the front end.  The current structure forces the contest types to be split into separate pages (i.e.  there is a separate active/past/stats/etc. page for each contest type). 

We would like to refactor the existing system so that we have flexibility in how we retrieve and display contest data.  Some of the goals include:

  • Consolidating the navigation on /tc.
  • Allowing the member to search/filter contests how they choose instead of having to navigate to many different contest pages.
  • Provide more filtering options to users
  • Make it easier to add new contest types (it should just be a matter of configuration and not additional coding).

For this contest, competitors will need to address detailed requirements based on refractoring.

Final Submission Guidelines

See wiki page for details: http://www.topcoder.com/wiki/display/docs/TC+Refactoring+-+Stage+1+Specification


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30016460