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Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Praxis - IT Showcase Site WP Theme Build Contest. We just completed the UI Prototype(HTML/CSS/JS) and you just need focus to create WP Theme functionality.

Praxis is looking to convert the TopCoder standardized "eSolutions" site into a portal that allows them to present their projects to Praxis upper-management. Ideally, this portal is a tool that will allow Praxis IT to pitch ideas and get approval within Praxis. Subsequent contests will be run to expand the scope to non-TC projects, and span of control will be enforced. For now, this contest is to design a professional looking, intuitive, graphics-focused website that will blow upper management away.

This contest only have 48hr submissions timeline. Please Jump In Now!!

Final Submission Guidelines

Full Specification Here

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30018708