Challenge Summary
Overview: The client is looking to brand the TopCoder Direct application for their companies usage. This skinning of a different brand is not simply a logo swap, but a full replacement of the color palette and all design elements. You will be designing a new landing page for "Ad Content on Demand" and reskinning the provided "Getting Started" page. (source-page2.psd) Application Design Requirements: 1) Landing Page: You will be creating a new page that is the landing page for "Ad Content on Demand" - please view the attachment document for what is needed on this page (OnDemand_Content.doc) 2) Getting Started: You will need to recolor the provided storyboard (source-page2.psd) to fit your new landing page design and colors. - Follow the content provided in the "OnDemand_Content.doc" document. - Do not change the layout of the application. We are only looking for you to re-skin the design with the new color palette and new design elements. - Put a placeholder logo in the upper left corner. Image Design Requirements: - Use the content provided in the attached document (OnDemand_Content.doc). - This image should be exciting, informative and encourage small business owners to use the application. - You MUST use some images and/or graphics in your design. Do not use only the text provided. - Your design should be work well with the rest of the application's client branding as well as the overall look and feel. - You are free to increase or decrease the height of the Getting Started widget to fit your image design. You are NOT allowed to increase or decrease the width of the widget. Mid-Contest Feedback For every submission that is received by Sunday, March 1st at 11am EDT, we will provide feedback on your designs in the forums. Your design itself will NOT be viewable by the other competitors. They will only be able to see the feedback you receive. As an added incentive, the client will pay an extra $50 to their five (5) favorite designs at the mid-point. To qualify, you must submit your design by the date and time listed above. This is a great opportunity to find out how you are doing and give you a stronger opportunity to be successful in this contest Please DO NOT delete your submission if you received mid-point review feedback or prizes. We cannot designate prize money easily without the submission. Please use the following color palette: Client Primary logo colors: -- # E31836 (Red) -- # 000000 (Black) Client Secondary colors (each color is used as a navigation and section color) -- # 9BCD00 (Green) -- # FF770B (Orange) -- # F0461E (Red) -- # 15C4ED (Blue) -- # 8D48D3 (Purple) Judging Criteria Your submission will be judged on the following criteria: 1. Usability - How well the design enhances the user experience and how easily the user understands how the application works. 2. Consistency - How well this widget design fits together with the new look of the overall application and provides a complete user experience. 3. Clean, Open Design - Clean and spacious designs with simple (but slick!) touches. Preview Image: Please provide a screenshot of your design as the preview image. Do not skew, alter, modify or add drop shadows or other filters for dramatic effect.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.