Challenge Summary
Primary Goals The goal is to have clear wireframes for the new screens. The Business Requirements Document highlights 7 modules in section 3.4 that need to be incorporated into the application. These modules can be combined as follows: 3.4.2 + 3.4.8 + 3.4.19 - Administrative functions that can be accessed from the same screen. 3.4.12 - Deal Searching - could be incorporated into current My Deals list screen. 3.4.13 - Deal Sheet - A tab exists for this in the prototype but the screen displayed is incorrect. The wireframe must detail all fields required 3.4.13 - Contract Sheet - A tab exists for this in the prototype but the screen displayed is incorrect. The wireframe must detail all fields required 3.4.22 - Reporting - View/Print functionality for Deal Sheets and Contracts
The wireframes will include all fields that are to be displayed on the screen.
The current prototype will be provided for reference
It is not expected that the submission include wireframes for screens that already exist. In the case where an existing screen is being added to (Search added to My Deals List) only the new fields and functionality needs to be shown.
Target Audience The target audience is real estate brokers and attorneys. Please review the prototype provided and use as a guide.
Judging Criteria The submissions will be judged for clarity and completeness
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.