Challenge Summary
Contest Requirements: 1. Updates for INDEX.HTML 1a. Update About Us Tab
- The client would like a better way to present the text on the right side of the About Us Section. The client likes the background image of the road but feels that the text can be displayed in a better manner. The text will be between 300-500 characters.
- This tab should match the look-and-feel of the "Car Loan Request Tab". Currently it feels and looks very different. In order to fulfill this, you are free to change the background image and re-organize the tab. Please keep the theme of the tab in mind when selecting a background image.This tab is for customers that are looking to purchase a new car from an Auto Dealer.
- Add drop downs for Make and Model to work with the Zip Code textbox. "Select Make" and "Select Mode" should be the default values for the given drop downs.
- Add Text of "Get a Free Dealer Quote from Dealerships In your Area".
- This tab should match the look-and-feel of the Car Loan Request Tab. Currently it feels and looks very different. In order to fulfill this, you are free to change the background image. Please keep the theme of the tab in mind when selecting a background image.This tab is for customers that are looking to purchase Auto Insurance for their vehicle.
- The textbox for the zipcode should be removed. The text and button should still be kept.
- This tab should match the look-and-feel of the Car Loan Request Tab. In order to fulfill this, you are free to change or keep the background image.This tab is for customers looking for Auto Warranty for their vehicle.
- Remove the textbox for ZipCode
- At the bottom of the page, above the three "place-holders" and below the "Vehicle Showcase" and "Auto Loan Calculator", add a new Module entitled "New Cars By Make".
- The new module should follow the existing look-and-feel for the rest of the page.
- The information for this new module should be similar to the information provided in "New_Cars_By_Make.jpg".
- The client likes the blueish background, but the DOES NOT like the fade with the "road" background image. Update the background to a solid color. You may keep the current blue color or replace it with something that you feel is better.
- You are also free to re-organize the layout and presentation inside each tab, if you feel that there is a better way of presenting it.
- The Vehicle Finder is a small Flash application that customers may use to find their ideal vehicle. There are 3 dials for the three criteria: Price, MPG and Year. The customer may adjust the dials in order to indicate the preferred criteria for the vehicle. The scoreboard on the right indicates the top matches for the provided criteria.
- The look and feel of the Vehicle Finder should be updated to look sleeker and more modern. You may look to this link as a reference. We are looking for your creative ideas
- Note: that the color scheme still needs to fit in with the rest of the page.
- Some suggestions to consider here: You may move the dial labels "Price", "Year", "MPG" inside the dial to create more space. This is not required though. Add a smaller tick mark in between each of the long tick mark. The smaller tick mark would represent the half way value between the two longer tick marks.
- In the first (left most) placeholder, add the information from auto_check1.jpg that is provided in this competition.
- In the second (middle) placeholder, add imagery and/or text for Auto Insurance. You can use the text of "See how much you can save on your Auto Insurance" and create a button or link with "Get Quotes Now". This would be a similar idea as the Auto Insurance Tab located in index.html.
- In the third (right most) place holder, add imagery or text or a combination of both for "Auto Warranty". You can use the text of "Speak to an Expert about an Auto Warranty!" and create a button or link with "Get Quotes Now". This would be a similar idea as the Auto Warranty Tab located in index.html
- In the first (leftmost) placeholder, add the information from auto_check2.jpg that is provided in this competition.
- The second and third placeholders should be similar to the updated bottom placeholders for the New_Car.html page above
- In the first (leftmost) placeholder, add the information from auto_check3.jpg that is provided in this competition.
- The second and third placeholders should be similar to the updated bottom placeholders for the New_Car.html above
- This page currently allows users to read articles based on a specific topics. We are looking for different ideas on how to best present this page. You may use the information provided to create a different layout if you think there is a better way to present he information.
- Currently an article on the left is selected and displayed on the right side.
- On the search_results,html page, clicking the "photo image" will show a popup of the vehicle.
- We want to update the popup to be a modal window that will show different images of the vehicle and clearly show the Year and name of the Vehicle.
- Create a new modal window that will display Year and Name of the Vehicle as well as a way to view multiple pictures of the vehicle.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.