Challenge Summary
Tournament Format This Studio competition will be run as a two-round tournament with a total prize purse of $2000. Round 1 At the end of Round 1 Best Buy will choose five (5) Round 1 winners, each will win $100 and a Design Review. These winners and any member who had a passing submission in round one will be eligible to compete in Round 2 for the additional $1500 in prizes. Round 2 Round 2 will start with the announcement of the Five (5) $100 Round 1 winners and their design review from Best Buy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are now in Round 2 Congratulations Round 1 Winners on your $100 Prizes: 20754 - iamtong 20752 - billow 20737 - OtakuDesign Overall Feedback - We like the first four items in the left nav - Would like all other search criteria to be collapsed, instead of "select all" after the top four. - Would like the upper left-hand place holder to use the blue shirt image (see downloads) with a space holder for some text. - Limit search results to 8 TVs and then have the ability to use the arrows to jump to the next results. - Compare should display all six on the screen - Compare page - (From the Spec) --- When compare results are returned - collapse to the items that are different, with the option to expand to see all features. - Compare page should have a hover for some of the Features, like contrast and framing so that a customer can understand the technology - Remove the "computer monitor" under usage, replace with "General TV Watching" - Use the slide rule and input box for Price and Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Challenge Here is your opportunity to help Best Buy customers find the right TV for them. The purchase of a large TV can be very complex. Best Buy wants to help their customers navigate all of the different TV choices they are presented with, in order to make the best decision for them. Based on the Flat Panel Wireframe contest, Best Buy would like to move forward and design the look and feel (storyboards) of their application. Requirements This application must: - live outside (so it can be a popup, modal window etc). - be contained in one window. - offer education/research capabilities. - include a Comparison Tool. - include Prominent Priciing. - make it easy to add to the shopping cart. - List store availability. - When selecting price, offer range above and below price point by $100. - Ask which components will be used with the TV. - Offer ratings and reviews. -Make sure to ask questions in the forums! Modifications to the Wireframes - Remove the upload picture feature (Top left corner of the home page). Replace this box with a place holder for copy. - Remove the copy "Click on a tv..." - Change "Find the Perfect TV for you" to "Find the Right TV for You" Search Criteria Changes - List the top four criteria only (Price, Size, Technology, Usage) - Create a "More Search Option" link to open up the rest of the left navigation. (This will cut down on the amount of overwhelming choices for the customer giving them the option for more choices.) - Make sure all the selectors are checkboxes Search Criteria order and specs: - Price - Size (both the "sliding bar" and the option to enter an amount) - 1"-20", 21"-29", 30"-39", 40"-49", 50"-50", 60" and Up - Technology LCD, LED, Plasma (Help me decide will link to an existing article) - Usage Movies, Gaming, Sports, (Create a hover four choices with information on additional info for what makes a tv good for gaming, etc.) - Location Living Room, Bedroom, Kitchen, Other (Create a hover over three rooms with information on additional info for what makes a tv good for bedroom, etc.) - Distance Place holder for three ranges Less than 10 ft, 11-14 ft, 15ft or more - Brand decided to leave "Select all" at the top Add hover over the Insignia brand only (placeholder for one paragraph of copy) New Search criteria to add Pixels - 1080p - 720p Help me Decide - Inputs (Place holder for three options) - Screen Refresh Rate (Place holder for three options, Help me decide) - Internet connections (Place holder for three options, Help me decide) - Contrast (Place holder for three options, Help me decide) Compare page - The team would like to have up to 6 compare spots on the Compare screen - When compare results are returned - collapse to the items that are different with the option to expand to see all features - Features should have a hover to see the definition for Contrast (exists on current site) - When on the compare results page, customer should be able to print No match page Need to add a page or pop-up if a search does not have any results Design information - Over all look and feel should be clean, Best Buy-like, uncluttered - Focus on education rather than promotional Pop-up concern: - Need to add the pop-up blocker instructions for customers to allow viewing of this pop-up Things you should know These factors are most considered by customers when purchasing a TV: - Size, price, brand, and technology (example: Plasma, LCD, LED) - What the TV will be used for (example: Movies, Gaming, Watching sports, computer monitor) - Where the TV will be located (example: Living room, bedroom, kitchen) as well as size of the room, and distance from seating Design Goals The design is completely open to the designer. All design choices should be focused on usability and visual cues for the user. (For example, required fields need to be clearly marked in some fashion). Design Considerations - Research! Research modern Web Application Design and Usability - Showing an intuitive interface that is easy-to-use. - Creating a clean, simple and professional design that does not feel "cramped" or "stuffy" or "corporate". REMIX Parameters and Constraints - What is Remix - REMIX Challenge Homepage - Remix Forums at TopCoder Contest Submissions Requirements Tournament Round 1: Home-Page.jpg = Your submitted design solution for a review Search-Results.jpg = Your submitted design solution for a review Compare.jpg = Your submitted design solution for a review Notes.txt = A file that explains your design and solution Tournament Round 2: Home-Page.jpg = Final Design Search-Results.jpg = Final Design Compare.jpg = Final Design Additional Screens To Be Determined Notes.txt = A file that explains your design and solution Source files must be built as layered Photoshop PSD files or layered Illustrator AI files You must submit all requested deliverables to be considered for prizes - you may submit more pages if necessary to show your design. Stock Photography For this contest you are allowed to use product images from the Best Buy website and only the Best Buy website. Submission & Source Files Preview Image Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024 JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place your submissions within it. You are free to resize or crop your submission to fit this size, but do not add any filters or elements for dramatic effect, such as drop shadows or reflections. Submission File All requested Contest Deliverables in JPG or PNG file format in RGB color mode at 72dpi. plus your notes.txt file Source Files All original source files of the submitted design. Files should be created in Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape and saved as layered PSD files, AI or EPS files. Final Fixes As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify fonts (sizes or colors) or modify overall storyboard colors. Additional Information In this competition, Best Buy employees (other than those in the group sponsoring the competition) may participate, however, they may not use any Best Buy resources when participating in the competition, and also may not have any contact with members of the group sponsoring the competition about the competition, other than through TopCoder and the public forums.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.