Challenge Summary
An HTML Prototype has been created for the client. Although we like the overall styling, the banner is not as attractive as it could be. Primary Goals: Make the application more attractive. Create a header banner that names the application, using a fading orange colored graphic. See the image "ChangeRequest.gif" for details. The HTML prototype is provided for reference. Also create a minature graphic of the application's acronym (BMARC) for use in the footer. "BMARC" = BenchmarkMetricsAndReportCenter Client has provided the following tips: - keep the "sunflare" styling in the background (placement and depth can be altered) - Font styling is acceptible, but we would like to see other ideas too - Client likes the fading orange styling in fonts, should be extended for whole application name - Client dislikes the grey font of "client" - Footer logo is allowed to be the acronym BMARC Target Audience: The target audience is mixed-age professionals that include clinical researches, scientists, administrative employees and IT staff. Judging Criteria: 1. Sizing: the graphics fit the available space, or even reduce the required space. 2. Correctness: correct spelling. 3. Coloration: good use of orange/grey/whatever other colors the designer chooses. 4. Creativity: does it look really great? Deliverable Demonstrate your icons on the Requestor "home" page.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.