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Challenge Summary

The goal of this competition is to design graphics for new banner backgrounds chosen for LendingTreeAutos. For this competition you will design a total of twelve unique (12) storyboards for the banner sections outlined below. NOTE: This contest is only open to invited members. As a condition of participating in this competition, you agree that you will not use the images provided in this contest outside the scope of your submission, and that at the conclusion of the competition you will delete all copies of the images provided. .
Note:The contest inputs will be provided only to the invited members and will be sent upon your acceptance of the invite. The existing prototype is being provided for reference only. You willNOTbe editing the prototype. The images used for all of the below can be found in the The zip file contains a structure to match the below. If you need clarification post to the forum. Banner Size - All banners MUST be exactly 980px x 230px [Note: some of the existing banner sizes in the prototype vary slightly, but this will be changed] - Most provided images do not cover the entire banner area - You may use gradients to fill / blend the images into the full space, but make sure that gradient use is consistent throughout all banners. Gradient Color The client does not like the gradient that is currently used (see Homepage > Dealer Quote Tab) because it does not match the site closely enough (blue in the gradient is close to the active tab color, but just off enough to clash). Create / use a more subtle gradient based on the "inactive tab" grays and use this consistently throughout the banners, where needed. IMPORTANT BANNER CONSIDERATIONS All banner backgrounds will have text and /or form elements floated over them - it is your responsibility to check what this content will be (in the prototype) and make sure that the banner backgrounds work well / do not conflict with these elements. Banner Backgrounds & Content Layers (3 screens total) Text / Form Elements Notes: - These three (3) screens require both a new banner background and content layers (text/form elements/etc). Place the layers for these elements in the "content" group, above the banner background layer. DO NOT merge these elements with the banner layer. - For the Homepage tabs : Use existing styles (font styles, form elements) from the prototype to display these elements - DO NOT copy the existing site styles or create new styles! Homepage Tab 2) Car Loan Request - Create new banner background from provided image - Add the text and form elements from this tab on existing site - this includes drop down, button, and text Tab 3) Auto Insurance - Create new banner background from provided image - Add the text and form elements from this tab on existing site - this includes text, radio buttons, zipcode box, and button Tab 4) Auto Warranty - Create new banner background from provided image - Add the text and form elements from this tab on existing site - this includes all text and button Banner Backgrounds, Only (9 screens total) Homepage Tab 1) Dealer Quote Tab - Replace image with provided image, match existing design/layout but change blue gradient to new gray gradient style Tab 5) About Us - Replace image with with provided image, match existing design/layout Auto Loan - Create new banner background from provided image Auto Insurance - Recreate the existing banner background with the provided image Auto Warranty - Create new banner background from provided image New Cars Tab 1) Auto Search - Create new banner background from provided image Tab 3) Vehicle Type - Create new banner background from provided image Tab 4) MPG - Create new banner background from provided image Tab 5) Price - Create new banner background from provided image Used Cars Tab 1) Auto Search - Create new banner background from provided image - Change gradient color to match your gradient use on other banners Green Cars Tab 1) Auto Search - Create new banner background from provided image Target User People who are using interested in buying a car and/or related services. Judging Criteria Your submission will be judged on the following criteria: - How well you followed the requirements - How well the banners are designed - How well the banners work with the text/other elements that will lay over them Preview Image Please create your preview image by saving the homepage screen in the template as one (1) 1024x1600 px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it. You are free to resize or crop your submission to fit this size, but do not add any filters or elements for dramatic effect, such as drop shadows or reflections. Submission File All Requested Contest Submission Requirements stated above - twelve (12) storyboards - saved from the template. Source Files All original source files of the submitted design, created within the provided template. Files should be created in Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape and saved as layered PSD files, AI or EPS files. Final Fixes As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify content and/or colors. Also note: If your PSD file contains "junk" layers, is not well organized or presents in a manner that makes the file less than useful to the client as an editable source file (text has been rasterized, layers have been merged incorrectly, etc), you will be asked to repair the file in the final fix phase.

Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.

Stock Photography

Stock photography is not allowed in this challenge. All submitted elements must be designed solely by you. See this page for more details.

How To Submit

  • New to Studio? ‌Learn how to compete here
  • Upload your submission in three parts (Learn more here). Your design should be finalized and should contain only a single design concept (do not include multiple designs in a single submission).
  • If your submission wins, your source files must be correct and “Final Fixes” (if applicable) must be completed before payment can be released.
  • You may submit as many times as you'd like during the submission phase, but only the number of files listed above in the Submission Limit that you rank the highest will be considered. You can change the order of your submissions at any time during the submission phase. If you make revisions to your design, please delete submissions you are replacing.

Winner Selection

Submissions are viewable to the client as they are entered into the challenge. Winners are selected by the client and are chosen solely at the client's discretion.

Challenge links

Screening Scorecard

Submission format

Your Design Files:

  1. Look for instructions in this challenge regarding what files to provide.
  2. Place your submission files into a "" file.
  3. Place all of your source files into a "" file.
  4. Declare your fonts, stock photos, and icons in a "Declaration.txt" file.
  5. Create a JPG preview file.
  6. Place the 4 files you just created into a single zip file. This will be what you upload.

Trouble formatting your submission or want to learn more? ‌Read the FAQ.

Fonts, Stock Photos, and Icons:

All fonts, stock photos, and icons within your design must be declared when you submit. DO NOT include any 3rd party files in your submission or source files. Read about the policy.


All submissions are screened for eligibility before the challenge holder picks winners. Don't let your hard work go to waste. Learn more about how to  pass screening.

Challenge links

Questions? ‌Ask in the Challenge Discussion Forums.

Source files

You must include all source files with your submission.

Submission limit


ID: 30022093