Challenge Summary
DegreeTree is looking for a clean / professional logo for their Education CRM tool. This tool is primarily used by internal administrators, school faculty and affiliates.
- You may use up to three (3) complimentary colors in your design.
- The colors do not necessarily need to include the colors in the screen provided, but they must at least be complimentary / not clash.
-You must use both words "Education" and "CRM" in your design.
-"Education" may be : all uppercase, all lowercase or first letter uppercase and all other letters lowercase.
-"CRM" may be all uppercase or all lowercase, only.
- Do not use fonts that are cartoon-ish (this deals with ADULT education / University), or very heavily stylized (difficult to read).
Note: All fonts used (with the exception of Windows standard fonts) in your design must also be submitted in this zip. If you do not have permission to release the fonts, you must provide a text file including the name of the font and a link to where the font can be purchased. You may also outline your fonts.
If you would like to use gradients and other effects that are not print-friendly (such as "glows" of "shadows"), you are free to do so but ONLY if you ALSO provide an effect-free / print-friendly version of your logo. In this instance, both versions of the logo:
- must display well / look good
- must be nearly identical, with the exception of the effects (i.e. not two entirely unique logos)
- must be displayed in your preview image (both shown on white and black backgrounds)
- must be clearly labeled / easy to reproduce & edit in your source files (see Final Fix notes regarding source file organization)
Target Audience
School faculty and affiliates, as well as potential students seeking a training certificate or degree. Professional adults ranging from ages 18 to 60.
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024 JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi. Show your logo on BOTH a black and white background.
Contest Deliverables
All original VECTOR source files of the submitted design. Files should be created in Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape and saved as layered AI or EPS files. Note that PSDs saved as EPS files are not true vector / scalable files and will not be accepted. All fonts used (with the exception of Windows standard fonts) in your design must also be submitted in this zip, as well.
Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify content and/or colors.
If your PSD file contains "junk" layers, is not well organized or presents in a manner that makes the file less than useful to the client as an editable source file (layers have been merged incorrectly, are not grouped/labeled correctly, etc) you will be asked to repair the file in the final fix phase.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.