Challenge Summary
The TopCoder CS-STEM Program needs a home page.
Although the website will not be ready until February, we would like to post a brief "welcome" page. It will "live" at On this page, users will be able to read a summary about the program (attached to this contest), find contact information, see links to news articles, see updates to a blog, and complete a form to send us a message. Users can also sign up for email notifications, by providing their address, name, and interest.
In this contest, you are asked to organize the features and copy that will appear on that page.
Detailed Requirements for this Contest:
- Display the copy from the attached Word document
- Leave room for a banner
- show a section for links to news articles, leaving room for a "teaser" about the article (like the first sentence) (up to 3)
- show a section for blog updates (up to 5)
- design a section that allows visitors to sign up for email notifications. They must provide their first and last names, email address, and select their interest from a dropdown (dropdown = "I am a student", "I am a teacher", "I am an administrator or coach" "Other")
- design a section or page that allows users to fill out a brief form to leave us a message.
- footer should show TopCoder address and main phone number
Generally, if a user clicks on a section, they should be navigated to a new, secondary page that displays the full data for that section. There can be more than one section included on any secondary page.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.