Challenge Summary
Lending Tree is looking for a new landing page concept - this landing page should be entirely unique - in other words, do not base your design on past LT landing pages.
General Design Requirements
- Main content area should be 960px wide - centered within a 1035px storyboard screen. Height is open to the designer.
- Required content is detailed in the provided LT-LP-Content file. All content listed there is required. The required content layout includes:
---- Page Header
---- Banner
---- 100% Width Content Block
---- 2 (side by side) 50% Content Blocks
---- A second 100% Width Content Block
---- Page Footer
- Required colors and white and green (take green from the provided LT logo). Other colors are open to the designer but must work well with the required green.
- Overall color concept should be light and open, with good use of white space. The majority of reading text should be dark text on light background (NOT dark background and light text).
- Use of icons and other well designed / unique graphic elements are encouraged.
- Calls to action (detailed in "LT-LP-Content") should be immediately understood to be links (clickable) and should be the most important elements on the page.
- Stock art photography is REQUIRED for use in the banner. You are free to use additional stock photography in other content areas, but it is not required in any area other than the banner.
- Fonts must be Windows Standard Fonts (Arial, Tahoma, etc) and page hierarchy should be clearly defined by font colors / size / styles. Fonts should be well spaced and large enough to be very readable.
Stock Photography
Watermarked comp photography from is allowed in this contest. You must follow these instructions or your submission will fail screening:
1) You must include a completed Third Party Content worksheet. It belongs with your Submission folder/zip file -- NOT your Source folder/zip file.
2) Only use photos, and only use them from iStockPhoto. Other iStockPhoto artwork is not allowed.
3) Be sure to keep the watermark intact. If the image is cropped in such a way that the watermark is not visible, please be sure to include the entire image in your source files so we can see that it is a comp image from
SUBMISSION NOTES: You can upload any number of UNIQUE designs. If any two designs are so similar that we cannot easily see the difference between them, we will immediately remove one from consideration rather than struggle to find the difference.
SUBMISSION FOLDER: You must submit One (1) copy of your design, 1035px wide (height open), saved in JPG or PNG format at 72dpi. Submission folder must also contain your required Stock Art Document, or it will fail screening.
SOURCE FOLDER: You must submit your layered PSD file as your source file.
FINAL FIXES: As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify content and/or colors. Also note: If your PSD file contains "junk" layers, is not well organized or presents in a manner that makes the file less than useful to the client as an editable source file (text has been rasterized, layers have been merged incorrectly, etc), you will be asked to repair the file in the final fix phase
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.