Module Assembly - CS-Stem Branching Movie Services Assembly

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview


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The client of this application is DARPA. They have asked TopCoder to build a modern web-portal for education in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) and especially focused on Computer Science (CS) education. The CS-STEM web-site will be dedicated to middle and high school students in USA and allow them to learn a lot of interesting topics in a user-friendly environment, which at the same time is productive and professional. Users will earn achievements, awards and prizes on the web-site.

We assume CS-STEM portal will be like a new entire TC website, but specially dedicated to attracting and holding the interest of middle-high students (ages of 13...18) in computer science related topics.

You can see the current website here:

We will implement a new CS-STEM application that will be hosted inside our current application. This application will be an activity for students to build a movie and learn about trees. Users will be be able to define short video clips at certain points on a tree and other users will vote for the best path from the trunk all the way out to the farthest branches of the tree. Users can also upload videos they think are a better fit than an existing video and then other users can vote on specific challenges.

This contest will be focused on the backend services for the application and test data that can be used.

Final Submission Guidelines

Please see the wiki -


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30023280