Challenge Summary
Welcome to “Soteria Subscription and Delivery Services Wireframes - User Scenario” contest. Soteria has a number of applications and website that provide their own subscription and delivery services, each implemented slightly different than the others. This project purpose is to create a centralized application for subscription and delivery services for all existing applications and sites that available in Soteria to their clients.
At the end of this contest, the client is looking appropriate system workflow for user application that easy to understand and clean, intuitive wireframes that will become a great input for storyboard design contest and specification contest.
Please read the contest details below, and feel free to post your questions in forums.
Round 1
Submission Design review for client review
Scenario for User/Demo Application (Subscription Service)
Round 2
Final design
Scenario for User/Demo Application (all requirements for subscription and delivery services)
Detail Requirements :
For this contest, you will create the wireframes for Subscription and Delivery Services application. Please note that there are two (2) main activities that needs to be done :
1) Provide Subscription Service
- stores characteristics of reports available for subscription on behalf of the reporting
- application/offers these reports to external clients,
- captures subscribers' requests and specifications,
- provides subscribers' requests to the reporting application,
- initializes the requests for delivery.
2) Provide delivery services.
- packages the reports,
- delivers the reports as per the requestor's specifications,
- and, if requested by the subscriber, delivers confirmation when the reports are sent.
These are the scenario that needs to be built in wireframes :
Demo application (User):
- Define basic users and allow users to subscribe to specific actions
- Allow the users to choose their delivery method(s)
- Allow some sample actions in the application that will cause a notification to be sent to specific users
- Allow a user to remove their subscription
- Allow a user to update their subscription preferences
Note : You will need to read “Use Cases.xlsx” and “SR9211 Subscription Services - BRR v5.doc” documents to understand and fleshed out the details for wireframes behavior, scenario and layout elements in this application. You might find that the wireframes will need another scenario that need to be added into the application. If you have any questions and doubts about contest requirements, Please don’t hesitate for asking in the forums. The key for winning this wireframes contest is to ask all detail requirements to the clients that you might think needed for this application. Copilot will stand by for all questions you’re asking in the forums and becomes mediator between you and the clients.
Target Audiences
There will be two (2) kinds of user that will use this application :
1. Administrator, an authorized person who responsible to manage this application.
2. User (Subscriber and Recipient), person authorized to create, maintain a preference for service on behalf of client (subscriber) and receives notifications and content delivery on behalf of clients when a services is performed (recipient).
You Only need to provide scenarios for user (subscriber and recipient) in the wireframes and what can they do in this wireframes.
Judging Criteria
Your submission will be judged using following criteria :
1. Completeness and accuracy of the wireframe as defined in the attached documents.
2. How well your wireframes provides a consistent user flow.
3. How well you implement the required data and provides suggestion, interactions and the user flow (provide any notes or comments for the clients).
Submission and Source Files:
Preview Image
Create a 1024x1024 JPG or PNG file and place a screenshot from your submission within it.
Submission File
All requested contest requirements/screens as clickable HTML files unless otherwise stated in the contest details.
Source Files
Wireframes should be built in HTML, Axure (.rp).
Attachment files :
- SR9211 Subscription Services - BRR v5.doc (Business requirements)
- Use Cases.xlsx
- Delivery Services Features.doc (Delivery documentation)
- Subscription4.pptx (IT Departments Presentation)
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.