Module Assembly - Project Contest Fee Management

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

TopCoder is going to take steps in order to manage fee configurations for billing account level. TC has a table (oltp_time:project_contest_fee) that holds the contest fees for each billing account. We need to manually insert/update fee configurations. These configurations are used by Cockpit to include the correct Contest Fee for each contest that is created. These are the same fees that are also reported on the Billing/Cost reports.  This project is responsible for providing an admin interface to manage these fee configurations. This function would be performed by the accounting group (at most 2 users). The UI should be part of Cockpit.

This assembly will implement the complete application which includes frontend struts actions, backend POJO services, entities and JSP pages.

Final Submission Guidelines


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30023972