Challenge Summary
Topcoder is going to start taking some steps to refactor and improve the TopCoder community sites. The first one to start with is In this contest, we'll going to make some changes on the member profiles and member achievements page.
Round 1
Milestone submissions are due three days after the start of the contest. Up to three milestone winners will be chosen for an award of $100 each. These winners as well as all other contestants with a passing submission in Round 1 are eligible to compete in Round 2.
Round 2
Final submissions are due three days after the end of Round 1.
General layout
Currently the Studio member profile wireframe is available, TC member profile page should follow Studio's layout.
For TC member achievements page, we encourage you to explore new approaches to laying out.
Required features
1. TC member profile has a rating list for each track (from Algorithm to Marathon), we need to show it on the left part, sitting on the "Currently Registered" pane. There are also links like "Send a message", "Forum post history", "Achievements" and/or "Copilot profile", these links should also be put somewhere on the profile page.
2. TC member profile page: In the middle part, we need to put competition stats for each rated track and rating chart (refer to current tc member profile to think about how to integrate it with our current wireframe) in the middle part. Remove Winning Submissions and Recent Submissions sections.
3. TC Member Achievements page: we don't have any wireframe to reference, you can refer to the idea file here , current tc member achievements page is like this:
4. Studio related text should be changed to TC accordingly, e.g. header/footer part.
Target audience
The TC member profiles and achievements pages will be used primarily by TC members. Administrators and clients should be considered as a secondary audience.
Judging criteria
We are looking for innovative layouts that depart from conventional member profiles/achievements in useful and interesting ways. We will also be judging your wireframes on completeness, ease of navigation, and room for expansion.
What to submit
Submission: Clickable HTML files.
Source: HTML files if you worked in raw HTML, or the project files if you used an HTML generator.
Preview: A 1024 x 1024 representative screenshot of your work in PNG format.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.