Challenge Summary
Welcome to Exposure Registry - Web Storyboard contest.
Soteria promotes safety in the workplace and one aspect of safety is exposure to hazardous materials or chemicals. The ability for workers to register their exposures with Soteria allows for better tracking and documentation if and when problems occur.
The Exposure Registry program will provide the workers, employers and others (ex. worker representatives, health care professionals, etc.) the ability to register exposure incidents that occurred in the workplace, including historical ones. This information:
- may assist in the future in the adjudication of occupational diseases
- enable employers to provide evidence of their compliance with occupational health & safety regulations
- provide a source of information regarding occupational exposures to hazardous substances
- provide the ability to identify which worksites to attend to conduct further investigations
- identify trends (ex. many workers reporting the same type of exposure for the same employer, increasing number of exposures to a specific hazardous material, many submissions related to a specific hazardous material for a specific industry group, etc.)
At the end of this contest, the client is looking for a clean, simple, light and impressive storyboard web design for the application.
Please read the contest details below, and feel free to post your questions in forums.
Round 1
Submission design for client review:
1. Internal_Worker_Home.html
2. View_Exposure_Incident.html
3. View_Exposure_Incident.html then click "Annotate Incident" Button.
- Notes: Any comments about your design for the Client
- Please number your files in the order they should be viewed (01,02,03,04,etc)
Round 2
Submission design for client review:
- All the screens listed in the requirement.
- Notes: Any comments about your design for the Client
- Please number your files in the order they should be viewed (01,02,03,04,etc)
Primary Goal:
For this contest you will create storyboard for Exposure Registry system. The client wants a web application which will provide users the ability to register exposure incidents in a user-friendly manner. The audience will be broad. It will span from users who are not computer-literate, or English is not their first language to users who have dealt with Soteria in the past and are already familiar with the terminology used.
Therefore the client is looking for an application that is interactive, adaptable to the audience using it and simple to use. It is also important that the look and feel is not the typical ‘government-bland’.
Detail Requirements:
1. Size, The page width must set to 1024px with content width must set to 960px, we want it to support less resolution monitor.
2. Fonts, Fonts are open to the designer, But we encourage you to choose and use web safe font. Please be aware of font delivery requirement.
3. Color, you are free to use any color as basic for your color schemes. We're not strict about color schemes, but please limit your color schemes, limit it to 3 main colors and 3 secondary colors. Feel free to use your creativity here.
Required Pages:
For round 1 you have to include these screens:
1. Internal_Worker_Home.html
2. View_Exposure_Incident.html
3. View_Exposure_Incident.html then click "Annotate Incident" Button. We are open to any ideas about this (i.e pop up window, modal window etc).
For round 2, you have to include these screens:
4. Advanced_Search.html
5. Trends.html
6. New_Trend.html
- Provide hover condition for links/buttons.
- show us expand/collapse design for required tab(e.g Filter section)
Branding Guidelines: No branding guidelines
Target Audience:
1. Worker
2. Employer
3. Submitter
4. Administrator
5. Internal Worker
Judging criteria :
1. Overall, the client wants to look simple, clean, light, and impressive storyboard.
2. The completeness of your storyboard.
3. The quality of your design as well as following the provided guidelines.
4. How well you follow wireframes layout Or provides new idea about how the screen must looks.
Submissions & Source Files
Preview Image
Create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024 JPEG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submissions within it.
Submission File
All requested Contest Requirements stated above in PNG files.
IMPORTANT - If you are submitting "small updates or changes" with multiple submissions please include in your notes file what is different or changed - this can be confusing to the client sometimes when they can't tell what is different.
Source Files
All requested Contest Requirements stated above in PSD files.
Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify your storyboard.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.